Great white shark weighing 2,137 pounds heading toward Outer Banks, researchers say
A 2,137-pound great white shark is headed toward North Carolina’s Outer Banks, researchers have said.
The 15-foot shark named Luna “pinged in” last week off the coast of the Carolinas, according to a Facebook post from international great white shark research organization, OCEARCH.
This could be bad news for the Outer Banks.
I do have one somewhat silly questions. Who got the shark on a set of scales and had a tape measure to get it's length. Don't think I would get in the water with that little guppy anywhere near.
The 15-foot shark named Luna “pinged in” last week off the coast of the Carolinas, according to a Facebook post from international great white shark research organization, OCEARCH.
This could be bad news for the Outer Banks.
I do have one somewhat silly questions. Who got the shark on a set of scales and had a tape measure to get it's length. Don't think I would get in the water with that little guppy anywhere near.
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- 1Posted by Robert_B 5 years, 9 months agoScariest part? It is now 2,192 pounds! It ate a seal.Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|
- 1Posted by Robert_B 5 years, 9 months agoI bought a cool device called SharkBanz that is supposed too deter attacks. Seemed like a great insurance policy, until I fully read the disclaimer: Not effective against great white sharks. Great white sharks are ambush predators which rise toward their prey from deep water, rendering the magnetic signal ineffective. Plus points to the Australians for forthrightness. Minus points to me for being not-so-great a non-impulse buyer...Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|
- 1Posted by $ Abaco 5 years, 9 months agoI fished Guadalupe Island for tuna last fall and was treated to 2 to 4 of these toothy critters under the boat at all times. One of the females was 20 feet, and the males were up to 16 or so. Had a very clear view in those gin-like waters. Incredible animals. They stole 5 of my tuna before I could boat them. Killing machines...Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|
- 1Posted by $ 25n56il4 5 years, 9 months agoPreposterous Estimators!Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|