Trump legal team asks federal court to block House Oversight subpoenas for financial docs, audits

Posted by mminnick 5 years, 9 months ago to Politics
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"President Trump’s legal team on Thursday requested that a federal court block the House Oversight Committee’s demands for his financial statements, calling their requests unconstitutional.
The president’s legal team, in a 24-page filing, asked the United States District Court for the District of Columbia to prohibit Trump accounting firm Mazars USA from “enforcing or complying” with a subpoena issued by the committee last month."

"It was unclear how soon the court might rule."

Let me think a moment. Filed appeal in the DC Circuit Court. that is going to take them roughly an hour to deny the motion. Just long enough to read the brief chuckle a bit and write a rejection via fill in the blanks since I'm certain they have these ready for any Trump case filed there.

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