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Treason, punished with death. No possibility of pardon.
Trump protecting an individual that has done nothing rong and stands to be destroyed if he complies with Congressional request and also if he doesn't. A tru catch -22 if there ever was one.
See Fox news also for slightly diferent slant.
I listen to the Five and when Juan starts spouting his poll results to back him up, I start laughing out loud when the other panel members shout him down for his stupid statements based on polls.
Juan is reliable for his denouncement of any progress made by Trump policies, it's always a leftist policy which produces good results.
Just cracks me up.
He sleeps well at night, with a full bank account. Its what lefties do.
Any proof of homosexuals necessarily being lifties.?
As for the bullying of the church couple, could be payback for christian bullying of gays and non-believers. Bullying will sometimes beget bullying in return.
Get a pulse!
It is obvious they do it for the spectacle but no matter what they do, treason is still treason. It can't be suppressed by antics.