Restaurant slammed for displaying controversial bumper sticker: 'Come for the burgers, stay for the blatant racism!'
This is nice, they are blathering at the Communist Correspondents dinner about how Trump has trampled the 1st amendment, yet when someone excercises it, at THEIR property and business, the snowflakes melt down in a fit of socialist imposition and want it removed NOW. Luckily, the people who own it have a spine.
To all those in uniform, my heartfelt thanks!
And as far as I'm concerned, speaking Arabic is for Arabs. Speaking English is for Americans.
I have zero respect for him or Brzezinski or any of the clowns from the CFR.
Peace to You!
There's so much more to life that doesn't involve reactions from others.
Some members of congress are an example of that begining to happen. Not racism, just common sense and logic should tell everyone what is going on.
Oh, I'd eat at Gross' if I lived close by. Kudos to the owner for standing up to the idiot snowflakes.
Yet from the first article, it trashes the claim of the second one by this statement:
"The Census Bureau’s one-year estimate for 2017, however, pegs that figure higher — at an estimated 69,479 people (though the one-year estimate has a higher margin of error than the five-year estimate)."
Which makes the first articles claims invalid, and does support the "discredited" meme.
This article claims over a million:
"The 1 million-plus figure comes via an analysis of Department of Homeland Security data by the Senate Subcommittee on Immigration and National Interest released Friday. The study found that from the time Obama first came into power until the end of FY2014, he issued a total of 832,014 green cards to migrants from Muslim countries, most of whom coming from war-torn and terror-plagued regions, including Pakistan, Iraq, Iran, Egypt and Somalia. Here's the breakdown of migrants from FY2009 to FY2014:"
So, in the war of good vs evil, propaganda is king.
I would say your statement is pretty well founded, and the intention was to divide and destabilize and to kill off national identity. How? Introduce a culture that is rabidly unable to diversify and assimilate others, and that insists on the reverse instead. This creates turmoil, doubt, and then offers unending opportunities for manipulation using things like "racism" and "Islamophobia" to denounce anyone who objects. Sound familiar?
Q says "They want us divided". There is a reason why. United, they cannot tell us what to think, or what to believe, we are all joined by a common society and structure, strengths that the United States had for 200 years. Those same strengths were broken over the last 60 years by the education system, and the introduction of all the cool psychobabble about individuality and the use of the XXX-American" lexicon. I think that acts as proof of the idea of a deep state playing a long game of manipulation, exactly what Ayn Rand was warning us of. The goal was the New World Order of a one world government.