Slavery Is Alive and Well Today… but Not in the Way Many Expect
"Slaves are made in many ways. Some are enslaved by human traffickers. Others are born into servitude because their government claims to be their master. Still others seek out their own slavery by exchanging liberty for security."
In practice that is exactly where a vast majority of the Dem Voters wind up either literally or figuratively. Cold, Hungry and lonely.
They (Democrats) destroy personal initiative and self-reliance to make the "servent" class.
2016 Russian interference via social media propaganda is the scapegoat of the Socialists for Why Hillary lost.
Uh...Russian propaganda has been interfering with the USA since before 1916. And not just with our elections, but it's propaganda has changed the entire culture and education of the USA. There have been very few grass roots movements or protests that have not been created , supported and organized by Soviet, Communist and Socialist Money .
Not to mention Islamists (such as original Black Panthers active in the 60's) who created the whole "racist" narrative. Black power and taking on Islamic names for "Black identity" was actually Islamic Jihad power.and Identity.
Now it is finally out in the open and Socialists are desperately trying to poo poo and hide it again just like they did in 1993 by painting the Islamic jihadists as idiots influenced by a blind sheik. No mention of Islamic influence. Saudi money to Clinton assured that. Even today the 9/11 Islamic Jihad massacre is being propagandized by those same actors and their propaganda as being a CIA plot with no Muslims involved.
1. the Main stream Media
2. Social Media
3. The educational System
4. The university system and
5. The employment system.
If you say anything that is not politically correct in any of these environments you are immediately hammered. I and several others have posted multiple examples of such going on in all of these venues./
The only way to break this hold it has is to utilize its techniques against them just as they use it agains any free thinker and Free Speech advocate. Make fun of their approact to rational thought (if you can call it that). point out the stupidity of their statements. go on any relatively free speech platform and have your say. Make the PCer pay the price of being jerks and saying stupid things, just as they try to do with their opponents.
That's precisely what the loony left wants to cram down our American throats!
Joking, I get what you are saying.
I do wonder though, if we could get away with a good ole knoogie on the head...snicker
My point?...I don't think they are Conscious Human Beings...I think they truly are, parasitical psychopathic humanoids with a whopper of a made up conscience that only serves their own temptations. (hubris...thinking they are better than all of us).
For one thrust that might drive a needed wedge see
I particularly enjoyed the Webster quote...I am related to DW on my mothers side.
Failing that fix the Constitution to once again eliminate the corrupting influence of excessive power and money. Abolish Political Campaigns in favor of 3 mandatory debates transmitted to everyone who is interested and a web page. Do not allow ANY political contributions not even to a presidential library (Saudi influence was purchased in this manner).
Good luck getting Congress to act on this.