Dem leaders reject immediate impeachment proceedings in urgent conference call
"House Democrat leaders backed off the idea of immediately launching impeachment proceedings against President Trump in an urgent conference call Monday evening, amid a growing rift among the party's rank-and-file members, presidential contenders and committee chairs on the contentious issue.?
At least Pelosi is starting to recognize the danger if the Dems proceed ahead at full speed toward an impeachment Maybe.
At least Pelosi is starting to recognize the danger if the Dems proceed ahead at full speed toward an impeachment Maybe.
This is not a constitutionally acceptable action of the con-gress.
The states' legislatures and governors who support fair elections should act to clean up the swamp unless they have no intent to represent their constituents.
Such an old fashioned idea!
They are there to enrich themselves and play games, all the while pretending to do it for people and country.
It is much easier than doing the job they were elected for.
Monetary morons all!
Don't you know that socialism is a power grab by a committed gang to establish a dictatorship with the goal of building communism, which is Marx's nirvana, utopia or paradise, best described as hell om earth. I grew up under Hitler's, Stalin's and Tito's versions and escaped as soon as I could.
You will never see those payments reimbursed. I am certain.
The Democrats have to keep firing blanks, just to make noise and hopefully keep the fickle bureaucrats skittish from all the noise. If they settle down to legislation, they fear the emboldened swamp crawlers who know where the bodies are buried will turn on them with a vengeance, to look like heroes. Catch 22 at its finest.