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I have repeatedly tried to get friends in Australia to consider the evidence available about "global warming", but they have refused- being brainwashed by the labor/UN/NWO propaganda. They are otherwise rational people in my opinion, although they place an undue amount of trust in state propaganda against free market enterprise. Perhaps some truth from what they feel is the fount of knowledge can help open their minds.
A new manager wanting to conserve money, planned to let go a few hundred 'climate scientists' on the grounds of the science is settled.
There were howls of anguish and protest. He got the message, government spending on science is about government jobs, and to tell government what it wants to hear.
The Science is not science.
Turnbull- not centre anything, just politically indifferent and green ideologically.
The word Conservative in the context of describing the Australian Liberal Party is the worst sense of the word -preserving the status quo rather than economic freedom.
Vinay correctly quotes their foundational document, but it seems they can believe one way and still appease the green left in actions.
Scott Morrison, sort of rightish but wanting to occupy that holy middle ground and get the votes of both sides being seen, he hopes, as responsible. It is not working, the centre is elusive with voters correctly seeing that he while he may have a position, he will not stand on it.
“We believe:
“In the inalienable rights and freedoms of all peoples; and we work towards a lean government that minimises interference in our daily lives; and maximises individual and private sector initiative.
“In those most basic freedoms of parliamentary democracy – the freedom of thought, worship, speech and association.
“That, wherever possible, government should not compete with an efficient private sector; and that businesses and individuals – not government – are the true creators of wealth and employment.
The writers of Australia's constitution, back in about year 1900, certainly made use of ideas in the US Constitution.
As for the expression of ideals of Australia's Liberal Party, note the use of qualifiers such as 'wherever possible', and 'an efficient private sector'. So it is government who decides what is possible and what is efficient. Well if those ideas were given even that level of qualified support it would be an improvement.
This I think is what Vinay is suggesting in his letter, put aside the postmodernist pap (especially the climate racket) and at least consider the basic aims of the Liberal Party.
They thought that pragmatism -say nothing do nothing without focusing on the voters- would work, but they mistook the 'chattering classes', the mainstream media, for the voters, and as Vinay's letter says, this has not won public support.
The video is of Morrison's coal-o-phobia speech in Parliament.
Nothing will change the "thinking" of this guy.