[Ask the Gulch] Does anyone think that the "hidden" players in the Russia Hoax still active in the Trum Administration will let any fo the known players actually come to face charges much less face prison time for their actions in the "Attempted coup" against Presid Personaly I think there are too many people involved up to and including the Oval Office in of the last two Demcrat administations still in power in Civil Service positons (makes them difficult if not impossible to remove). These players can obstruct and obfuscate enough that the guilty might never be found much less face any type of penalty. O'm concerned for the very fabrix of out political system and for the rule of law. I wish I had a better feeling aobut this wole process but I've been around too long to have my head rest easy about what is going on in our political universe.
Posted by mminnick 5 years, 9 months ago to Ask the Gulch
I don't know how it is in the other braches of federal service but I ewas and remain proud of the time I spent in Civil Service.
Perhaps I wqs in the minority I don't know.
I was mostly referring to those who take up careers in the agencies regulating the lives of their fellow citizens.