Anybody else tired of daylight savings?
Posted by exceller 6 years ago to Legislation
The president is tired as well, so that probably ensures it'll never be made permanent if the left can help it, just out of spite.
I am really sick of it. It completely messes up daily routine when there is dark at 5 PM, let alone getting up an hour earlier.
I am really sick of it. It completely messes up daily routine when there is dark at 5 PM, let alone getting up an hour earlier.
I read that Trump is considering making that all year thing a law.
Guess the left will be against it only because the Tangerine Tornado thought of it.
According to data, there is a 25% increase in heart attacks the Monday following daylight savings.
I can get used to it, but then don't run the time back again in the Fall.
The justification of helping agr workers with early morning hours has long become obsolete.
So why on Earth are we doing it?
Had to be there by 5:45 AM so I could hear the briefing before starting the 6 o'clock shift.
Take it from the dino, you really DO want to hear the briefing before you walk down the hall.
Glad to be retired now.
That covers some of it.
Sometime at the briefing we were told that the prison would not be renamed twice if one of us got killed. The prison I worked at was first called West Jefferson (on that side of Jefferson County) before it became named after William Donaldson.
A convicted cop killer in a one-man cell threw coffee on a nurse as a trick to lure an infuriated Officer Donaldson into signaling for the cell door to be opened so he could storm in with a baton. The cop killer was waiting with a shank and stabbed Donaldson in the heart,
Gee, I don't recall those little tree-looking bushes there. Nice touch. I left May, 2003, after working there for 21 years.
I commend you for being able to carry on for so long.
I bet you are enjoying peace and quiet now.
What kept me going is the life long pension I now enjoy,
It's just asinine all around. I don't care, really which one we pick, but I'd prefer that we don't switch back and forth. Virtually all the comments I see suggest the same thing.
Why are we still doing this?
Th switching is what makes is dreadful. Let alone the excuse of why it is being done.
It does add some complexity to life. Because of changes in time politics, my sprinkler system timer has to be reset four times every year now.
The argument for "summer time" (as they call it in the UK and throughout Europe) was to conserve fuel for lighting and such by extending the daylight hours into the evenings. Here's the question of the day: with the new LED lamps, is fuel conservation by extension of daylight into the evening that important as an issue? It was one thing back in the days of lighting with gas, and even with the incandescent lamps Thomas Edison invented. But modern lamps are available that take only one-sixth the "juice" even of Edison's old lamps.
So why else do we need to observe a time that extends daylight into the evening, by robbing the morning? That's the debate we really ought to have.
I applaud the President for wanting to eliminate the semiannual time change. But maybe the solution is to abandon "summer time" completely and go on "winter time" year-round.
So the argument of "saving" energy is moot.
But I expect energy cost would be one of the major factors in that decision, so there would be a net saving under no change.
I gather, then, that the energy budget would be diminished with a return to standard time in the summer.
(asterisk) Of course if you keep homes and offices at 68 all day its a moot point.
HOWEVER....the dummycrats would find some way to contribute it to so called global warming.
Twice a year, the country goes through this 'screw-up-everyone's-internal-clocks' and it affects health for many, not to mention how difficult it is on parents trying to get their children to bed at a decent hour (especially during the summer months).
I noticed a daylight-savings-time shift every year where I worked. People came in later often at the last minute because it was light out up until the minute we were to close.
I'd vote to change it, no matter who suggested it.
I frequently utilize Greenwich Mean Time and a simple glance at a time zone map is all I need to determine GMT from local time.
If it's really a problem for so many people...why not simply change work hours?
Since this was an executive order, it can be dumped without Congressional action. Just dump it!
It says a lot, mostly bad, about the evolution of power structures that when standard time was created, it was created by the railroad industry, and the federal government delayed adopting it until a decade after everyone else.
Would be magical to have the states throw such a federal overreach out.
I think it was a good idea at the time but its usefulness has long since passed.