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  • Posted by $ WilliamShipley 6 years ago
    People are missing the most important aspect of this case: it was a highly publicized fake racial attack by "MAGA" wearing white people.

    The entire Democratic party is planning on running on the racism of white people wearing MAGA hats for the 2020 elections. They cannot have a confirmed example of it being fake.

    In a couple of months they'll pretend it was a real attack and the racist Chicago cops covered it up.
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    • Posted by evlwhtguy 6 years ago
      Smollett will be on the talk show circuit and speaking to association meetings for a fee in the black community, about his being railroaded by the "white African American" Cops in Chicago [Remember the "White Hispanic" George Zimmerman in Florida!]
      Hopefully this whole sorry episode coming on the heels of the college admissions scandal, will inform people that there is no white privilege, just celebrity privilege.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 6 years ago
    Last night Tucker Carlson said that Smollet isn't innocent but "something better--privileged, famous and above the law."
    Now me dino thinks of what Sean Hannity has been saying about what he described as our "two-tiered justice system."
    One tier is for the group me dino likes to call "our more than equal elite betters." The other tier is most of us, who would go to jail forever for destroying subpoenaed emails by having her help acid-wash and smash computer devices as did Candidate Cackles, one of our filthy (how she got her $$$) rich "betters" among the uppity-ups of a virtual yet solidly entrenched American aristocracy that would horrify our Founding Fathers.
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    • Posted by 6 years ago
      The most ominous in this whole mess is that the left is not even trying to hide their corruption.

      It is a new level which was inevitable. The next step in the path to a communist dictatorship.
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      • Posted by $ allosaur 6 years ago
        Corruption is what you get from power hungry criminals who don't give a damn about The Constitution and other things that used to make America great.
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        • Posted by 6 years ago
          The latest "gem" in the "America is not that great" "movement" is Holder stepping up to the task.

          As Cuomo, he is now trying a new tack (after he was shot down for "We'll kick them") by saying America was never great:

          The left's subversion is so disgusting you can have only one reaction: "Why in hell you don't go somewhere you'd be more happy?"

          We'll never be that lucky. The parasitic left is fully aware that this country is great and the best and even allows them to malign her.
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  • Posted by $ rainman0720 6 years ago
    (Putting on my conspiracy hat)

    The absolute worst case Hell-in-the-proverbial-handbasket situation for proggies was exactly what happened last Sunday with Barr's summary. And (at least in my opinion) to their credit, conservatives jumped all over the left, demanding apologies, demanding that those idiots who still claim collusion (which, as Dino pointed out, isn't defined as a crime) either show what they've got or STFU, etc.

    The lefties just can't have that; they can't have all their lies pointed out, day after day, on network after network. Every time anything or any one reminds them that Trump isn't an acting agent for Russia, they get their knickers in a wad all over again.

    So how can they deflect attention off of their two year hoax and witch hunt? Easy: Give the media something else to rail over.

    So Obummer gets involved with all his Chicago connections, and browbeats (coerces? makes them an offer they can't refuse?) the prosecutor in the case to drop charges against Smollett.

    I don't much believe in coincidences; this is no exception. Barr presented his summary on Sunday, and on Tuesday all charges against Smollet were dropped. And immediately, that story went to page 1.

    All in all, I would call their efforts successful enough.

    (Removing the conspiracy hat.)
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  • Posted by starznbarz 6 years ago
    It`s no coincidence this happened after the coup report was released, the were both, after all, orchestrated by the same source, the illustrious communist BHO.
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  • Posted by $ Radio_Randy 6 years ago
    Here is my (conspiracy theory) take on this...

    a. The charges against Smollett are dropped, effectively creating a situation where most of America is crying foul and suggesting a cover up, supported (somewhat surprisingly) by extreme Chicago Democrat Rahm Emanuel.

    b. The charges against Trump are dropped, effectively creating a situation where most Congressional Democrats are crying foul and suggesting a cover up, supported (not surprisingly) by extreme Liberals, everywhere.

    Does anybody else see the correlation, here? Are the American people being conditioned, by the Smollett case, so that the Democrats can be made to appear to have some justification for their non-existent case(s) against President Trump?
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    • Posted by 6 years ago
      Could be.

      I read that according to left left "Justice is done" applies to the Smollett case, in view of the Mueller conclusions. In their minds the Mueller report is a coverup so to balance it out, they acquit Smollett.

      That is how the minds on the left camp work.
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  • Posted by JohnJMulhall 6 years ago
    I find it interesting that this "Blackwash" occurred only after Moochelle -BHO's significant other- interfered, and the LSM is ignoring the 'chain' of interference.
    A black guy who claims the 'racism' of MAGA (President Trump and the 'Deplorables') but who sent himself 'unidentified white powder' through the mail indicating he is a 'self-made victim' has to be protected by the half-white President against his own 'reality' of self-chosen actions and motivations... Today's democrat in action.
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  • Posted by bsmith51 6 years ago
    Smollett's mother is a communist, closely affiliated with the (old) Black Panthers and a close friend of Angela Davis. Jussie apparently never took acting lessons, having been taught at home how to lie with a straight face because, you know, a lie told to pursue a righteous cause is morally equivalent to the truth.
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    • Posted by term2 6 years ago
      Hollywood probably wont ostracize him from acting, but I sure will. I will never go to a movie that he is in, or watch a TV show that features him.
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      • Posted by 6 years ago
        I am already doing that with most of Hollywood, effectively meaning not going to movies or not tuning to TV shows.

        What Hollywood was doing to Trump is unforgivable. Let alone the fact that these nitwits (most of them high school dropouts) have one and only one requirement: to be good actors/actresses by bringing on a good performance.

        They are incapable of doing that, instead go and prostitute themselves on the altar of the left and what it stands for.

        I quickly grab the remote whenever I see Streep, DeNiro, Sheen, DiCaprio et al on the screen. They just have to do without my participation.
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        • Posted by term2 6 years ago
          Same with me. I stop watching reruns of the movies I DID like with those actors also. Let them drift off into oblivion.

          I agree what they did to Trump IS unforgivable. If they did that to Obama I would actually feel the same- there is some respect that needs to be shown to the person who wins the presidency. After they are elected, the country is dependent on them to do the right thing. All they did with Trump is keep him from doing his job.
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          • Posted by 6 years ago
            "All they did with Trump is keep him from doing his job."

            Of course. That was the idea.

            They were well aware he'd turn the country around from the depths of the Hussein years and that would be obvious for everyone to see.

            Despite of their interference, Trump still made the country a better place to live in, improving many metrics. That is why Hussein reacted with vitriol to the improving economy.

            This is a many headed snake. All heads should be cut off to free the country of their lethal effect.
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            • Posted by term2 6 years ago
              Maybe a problem-less society doesnt leave room for the leftists to scare people and control them.

              Therefore, they want failure and problems to put the fear of god into the citizens so they agree to let the government run their lives to "fix the problems". The real problem though is that the government solutions never FIX anything- like the war on drugs, the open borders ideas, the useless wars in other countries, etc. etc.
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    • Posted by 6 years ago

      "The Smolletts have also been outspoken politically and, since their school years, devoted to causes like H.I.V./AIDS prevention and ending apartheid. They were raised in the orbit of the Black Panthers and, lately, have lent their voices to the Black Lives Matter movement. Their trajectory, from child stars to successful adults, is born of their family and its history of activism."

      "“My mom was in the movement with Bobby Seale and Huey Newton, and one of her first mentors was Julian Bond,” Mr. Smollett said of the Black Panther founders and the civil rights leader. “To this day, Angela Davis is one of her dearest friends. We’ve spent Mother’s Day with Angela.”

      Quite a background to be proud of...😲 That is the "movement" he was referring to.
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  • Posted by term2 6 years ago
    I heard that kamala harris put him up to it so help get her "lynching" bill passed. Once it did pass, then they didnt want a trial on these charges to bring up what a slimeball they all are. Plus Michelle Obama apparently pulled some strings too.

    For all the people who HAVE been lynched, this situation is an insult of the highest order. At a minimum this dude's career in hollywood should be ENDED forever.
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    • Posted by 6 years ago
      Harris now says she "is confused".

      It must take extra imagination to wiggle out of this mess.
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      • Posted by term2 6 years ago
        I hope this blows up in her face and her potential candidacy. I thought she was angling for VP slot with Beto, but this might kick her out.

        She is a vicious witch I think. It just comes through loud and clear. Same with Warren and Hillary. None of them will ever overcome that no matter what smiles their handlers paste on their faces.
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  • Posted by 6 years ago
    "The wiping of the case has been seen as nothing short of a "real blow" to those in Chicago's law enforcement. The department insider also noted that they have been left scratching their heads as to why the case was suddenly sealed, thus not allowing public scrutiny, and pointed to “politics” and questionable shuffles and possible interference in handling the case."

    Sounds familiar? Sealing documents that are incriminating to the left?
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 6 years ago
    No surprise, really...
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    • Posted by 6 years ago
      Why is it not a surprise? Because of the corrupt courts, or because the guy is black and he was tried by a black attorney?
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      • Posted by $ Abaco 6 years ago
        I'll plead the 5th on that.

        There's a note in the money speech in AS where it's mentioned that the end is near when the laws are to protect them from you, not you from them. That's what this is.
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        • Posted by term2 6 years ago
          Boy is that true. I feel better when cops are NOT around. Its says "to protect and serve" on the side of the cop cars, but all they do is take money from me, threaten to arrest me if for the slightest infraction of their rules, and never protect me, but just take reports if someone breaks into my house.

          Not sure what they really do positively for me.
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        • Posted by 6 years ago
          Watched Tucker for 10 min (that is all I can do), all of which he spent on Smollett.

          So the guy is friends with the Obamas, Harris, have attorney connections to the highest levels, etc.

          It was a matter of a phone call.

          The most disgusting part was when Smollett stepped in from of the cameras announcing that everything he said was true b/c he would not take his family through a scandal like this was.

          This is so absurd that the only reaction you are able to have is a stunned silence.
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  • Posted by 6 years ago
    A profile of Kimberly Foxx, State Attorney:

    "Kimberly M. Foxx is the first African American woman to lead the Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office – the second largest prosecutor’s office in the country. Kim took office on December 1, 2016 with a vision for transforming the Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office into a fairer, more forward-thinking agency focused on rebuilding the public trust, promoting transparency, and being proactive in making all communities safe.

    More than two years into her term, Kim has undertaken substantial reform. She has revamped the office’s Conviction Integrity Unit, resulting in overturned convictions in over 60 cases, including the first-ever mass exoneration in Cook County for 15 men whose convictions stemmed from misconduct by a Chicago Police Officer. She has been a leader in bond reform, instructing prosecutors to agree to recognizance bonds where appropriate, and reviewing bond decisions in cases where people are detained because they are unable to pay bonds of $1,000 or less. Kim has taken the lead on prioritizing resources away from low-level offenses to focus on violent crime, including raising the threshold for approving felony charges for retail theft to $1,000, and declining to prosecute misdemeanor traffic offenses for failure to pay tickets and fines."

    So her "transformation" of the office pertained to letting criminals go free. The typical liberal left's "progress".
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 6 years ago
    EXTRA EXTRA! Read all about it: Chicago Demands $130,000 From Smollett, Threatens New Charge If He Doesn’t Pay Up
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    • Posted by 6 years ago
      I posted the $130K in one of the threads.

      Smollett's lawyer is planning to countersue the City.

      This is hilarious! Much better than a circus!
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      • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 6 years ago
        Funnier than Monty Python's Flying Circus?
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        • Posted by 6 years ago
          I am reading there is backlash against Emanuel from left and right.

          "To hear Mayor Rahm Emanuel call the prosecutors’ decision to accept an alternative resolution to the Smollett case a “whitewash of justice” in a city with a police and prosecutorial history as checkered as ours rang not just wrong, but fundamentally ridiculous," opinion writer Mikki Kendall wrote. "Whether one’s personal belief about whether Smollett told the whole truth, a portion of the truth or an outright lie when he reported being assaulted, there is no reality in which the Mayor of Chicago, or the head of the Chicago police force, have the moral authority to stand in judgment of anyone’s morality."

          Is it possible that people are beginning to see the hypocrisy and corruption?
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