Barr rules to keep asylum seekers in detention during deportation proceedings
"Attorney General William Barr has ruled that asylum seekers facing removal who show they have a “credible fear” of being returned to their homeland will no longer be eligible for release on bond -- meaning they will have to remain in detention while their cases are pending.
The decision is Barr’s first immigration-related ruling since being confirmed as attorney general and comes as the Trump administration clamps down on illegal immigration amid a surge at the border. The attorney general has the authority to overturn prior rulings made by immigration courts, which fall under the Justice Department.
"The question presented is whether aliens who are originally placed in expedited proceedings and then transferred to full proceedings after establishing a credible fear become eligible for bond upon transfer. I conclude that such aliens remain ineligible for bond, whether they are arriving at the border or are apprehended in the United States," the decision states.
The ruling was almost immediately panned by civil rights and immigration rights groups, with the American Civil Liberties Union calling it unconstitutional and vowing to sue."
How long will this ruling take to get to the 9th Circuit? Any Guesses or bets?
The decision is Barr’s first immigration-related ruling since being confirmed as attorney general and comes as the Trump administration clamps down on illegal immigration amid a surge at the border. The attorney general has the authority to overturn prior rulings made by immigration courts, which fall under the Justice Department.
"The question presented is whether aliens who are originally placed in expedited proceedings and then transferred to full proceedings after establishing a credible fear become eligible for bond upon transfer. I conclude that such aliens remain ineligible for bond, whether they are arriving at the border or are apprehended in the United States," the decision states.
The ruling was almost immediately panned by civil rights and immigration rights groups, with the American Civil Liberties Union calling it unconstitutional and vowing to sue."
How long will this ruling take to get to the 9th Circuit? Any Guesses or bets?
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- 1Posted by $ 25n56il4 5 years, 10 months agoI don't see the ACLU coming forward with any funds to help feed these asylum seekers.Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|
- 1Posted by $ 25n56il4 5 years, 10 months agoI learned today our school district that has 26,000 students, has over 675 homeless students. However, I am reassured they are getting two hot meals a day and a meal on Saturday. Reportedly they are sleeping in their cars and in sleeping bags wherever they can find a place. This makes me very sad. We don't need any more illegal immigrants, we need to take care of our own people.Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|
- 1Posted by mminnick 5 years, 10 months agoTher obligation of the government is to protect and defend the citizens of the country, not try to get more outsiders flooding in to supplant legal citizens. It is truly sad when Americans regardless of race, creed social standing have to sleep in a sleeping bag in their cars and use schools to get their children hot meals.Mark as read | Parent | Best of... | Permalink|
- 1Posted by $ 25n56il4 5 years, 10 months agoHey? Stop them at the Mexican/Guatemala Border. We are getting all the OTM's! Let us have our Mexicans back! Send the OTM's somewhere else. Give them asylum in California. We love our Mexican neighbors. My family has been in Texas since the 1830's and we still hold our Mexican land grant!Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|