Google employees demand removal of conservative member from AI council

Posted by mminnick 5 years, 10 months ago to Culture
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"Hundreds of Google
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employees demanded the removal of the president of the conservative think-tank the Heritage Foundation from the company’s newly formed artificial intelligence
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council, citing her anti-LGBT record.
In an open letter published on Monday, employees at the world’s largest search engine criticized the appointment of Kay Cole James to its advanced technology external advisory council (ATEAC) which is tasked with informing the company’s decisions regarding its use of AI.
Employees linked to tweets that James wrote in February and March in which she fought against protections for LGBT and transgender people. She also advocated for a proposed wall along the U.S.-Mexico border by President Trump. "

Note it has nothing to do with technical capability but rather her conservative views. I wonder what would happen if a Conservative company demanded a liberal be removed from such a position. It would be front page news I bet.

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