You know you're living in a country run by idiots when...
Posted by Non_mooching_artist 12 years ago to Economics
You know you live in a Country run by idiots if...
Hard work and success are rewarded with higher taxes and Government intrusion, while slothful, lazy behavior is rewarded with EBT cards, WIC checks, Medicaid and subsidized housing, and free cell phones.
Hard work and success are rewarded with higher taxes and Government intrusion, while slothful, lazy behavior is rewarded with EBT cards, WIC checks, Medicaid and subsidized housing, and free cell phones.
I still think I am a Hank Reardon, but why keep going on. Been a little quiet the last few days (chronically pissed, stolen from LetsShrug). This IS a country run by idiots.
I'll still be awake this morning. got a goodmorning story fo me? :)
Glad to hear the really was good. How was the turn out? I was bummed I couldn't make it to ours, but, I had a good reason, I think. :-)
I am so Glad that you enjoyed your class. Was the 357 a revolver? Are you taking a carrying class or a learning class. I did the first one since I had never shot a pistol and didn't know much about them, we always hunted with shotguns. Then I took the carry class and had so much fun with the group we had.
Why do you have to "be allowed" to get a gun???
Allowed just means legally able to purchase a gun. I have an idea of what I'd like, it's just a matter of having the proper gun safe in the house. Don't want any accidents!!
You guys make good sense (that was redundant). Just because they choose to be defenseless, or a volunteer victim doesn't mean I should too just to keep from "offending" someone who doesn't love life enough to defend it if they have to. I only wish I had my laser for it already. lol
But back to the game, I've been thinking about that, too. It is difficult in the linear. I don't want to drop the ball. And if a profit can be turned, all the better. But I also hear you regarding any sort of small business, or entrepreneurial venture. It's almost certifiably insane to do so in the climate here. We have many friends who, regrettably, have had to let people go because of healthcare costs, taxes, etc., which then places them in the untenable position of not being able to keep up with work. It's a terrible catch 22! Why would anyone want to try? But that's it in a nutshell. Keep people on the govt teat, squash any spirit of pride of ownership, and have a dumbed downed population of drones!
Btw, Orion has been spectacular lately, and the Pleiades! Gorgeous!
I personal believe the root cause of our current entitlement culture is directly linkable to the education system and who has been teaching our children for the past 40 years. News media also plays a large part when the only commentary people hear is biased individual success, i.e. “wow, he’s made a lot of money, who did he screw to get that kind of money”. You never hear “wow, he’s made a lot of money, how did he do it? What can I learn to be as successful?”
The current state of affairs has been in the works for over 40 years, I think it’s going to take another generation to fix it without a major event to wake people up.
Kids have some very skewed, grandiose ideas that they are all that. It comes from never losing in baseball, because their feelings might get hurt, awwww. I'm glad that isn't done here! If you lost, it meant you had to try harder and practice more. End of story. Just because a person exists, doesn't mean they are entitled to something not earned. That bugs me.
It is a thread to follow, for sure.