Galt's Gulch

Posted by CarolSeer2014 10 years, 6 months ago to Culture
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I live in Colorado Springs, Gulchers, and have lived in Colorado since I was 10. I know Rand is turning over in her grave because of what the liberals have done to Colorado, at the instigation of Obama!

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  • Posted by Herb7734 10 years, 6 months ago
    You live in one of the most beautiful spots in the country. But, you are surrounded by insanity. Keep on being rational and hopefully, some of it will rub off on others.
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  • Posted by JCLanier 10 years, 6 months ago
    I sometimes see more dark than light with no end to the tunnel that this nation has ended up in. I am, like many, concerned with working my way out of this historic and still current economic slump. In other words, I am still on the cusp of survival (Maslow's pyramide) and since my company's products are directly connected to the field of construction, well, you get the picture. It has become a daily battle to stay ahead of the many anti-capitalism regulations being inforced today by the numerous political agendas of the continued (4 years and now 4 more) Washington "stranglehold". As stated in the Gulch by Dr. Akston: "Every man builds his world in his own image.", for those of us who share the AS philosophy and endeavor to live it- we find solace in like minds. However, the dark side of this statement is that Obama is, also, building a world in his own image- coupled with enormous power...
    Will there be enough Americans left to rescue and revive that absolute that "A is A"? We live in a world that is frightened by absolutes and glorifies the approximate and "quasi", filled with contradiction.

    We must survive. The aftermath will be a massive cleanup job.
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  • Posted by gafisher 10 years, 6 months ago
    I've always seen Galt's Gulch as a fluid community which could quickly move its resources - minds - to any suitable location on or, eventually, beyond Earth. Further, the Gulch community could easily exist across multiple physical locations, and might well *have* to do so for self-preservation. What's happened to Colorado - and the rest of the country - is sad, but predictable and certainly doesn't make the Galt's Gulch mindset obsolete or unattainable.
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 10 years, 6 months ago
    I grew up in the West, Cheyenne, Wyo. for one, and could not wait to share it all with my husband. We would always go West through Colorado Springs, was loved the beauty there. However, over the years, like Old Albuquerque, we began to see the liberal agenda take over, while the original feel and history of the areas be lost. Taos, N.M. is another example. The liberals former hippies moved in, the Hollywood types bought property, and the atmosphere changed. These new residents, or part-time residents favored programs like UN Agenda 21. They came with their wacky environmental ideas, their socialist ideas, and elected liberal politicians. It is sad to see, esp. since it was Rand's place of escape and renewal in AS.
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