Venezuela 11th of August

Posted by sender47 10 years, 7 months ago to Government
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Long time since the last I wrote, sorry for that. The past months have been busy for me, I was finally able to attain (or at least in 90%) the scholarship to Japan. I will be 100% sure at the end of the year.

If things were incredibly bad 2 months ago, now we're incredibly worst. The FIFA World cup, felt like a small time of peace, although the problems were there.

Lines for food, medicine and more are everywhere, we even have an app/social network, that let the people know when something gets to a market or a drugstore. A lot of people has died because there are no medicines, or equipment to operate. The cancer patients are living hell right now.

I have mention it before, but has good articles, and for news I found this one , is not as good as spanish written ones, but it works.

Everyday there are protests, for services, health and payment of wagers in state owned companies (SIDOR (steel, etc...) was expropriated in 2008, now is paralyzed, and practically bankrupt), Many protesters from 3 months ago are still behind bars including Leopoldo Lopez and the 2 majors removed from their office for not attacking the protesters. The hearings continue to be delayed (State representation wasn't there, or the Judge was sick and so on).

In the meantime, The government refuses to pay the debts with the airlines. Then the Airline reduced or eliminated Venezuela as a destination. In response Maduro did what he knows the best, got angry and said that they do not care, and that the airlines that go, will never be permitted again. North Korea here we go..

CITGO, many of you has probably went to a CITGO gas station. It is the PDVSA (Venezuelan state owned oil company) group of refineries and gas stations in the States, it's near to be sold, in fact many of the gas station were already sold. The satiric note here was, "Drug addict sells its oil subsidiary to pay for his vice".

Next in the agenda... China... probably our owners, and I'm not saying it in the China-has-most-of-the-world-gropped-by-the-family-jewels kind of ownership. We owe them like... 4 times our reserves, all the gold was moved to banks in China, the accounts of PDVSA once in USA and Europe, are now in... China... Hey the president came here 3 weeks ago, and the city was inundated by banners with the faces of Chavez, Maduro and the president of China Xi Jinping. The only cars getting to the country are chinese (Yes, those cars prohibited because of the materials in the engine), and home appliance are going the same way.

Lastly in the political and ideological note, the government says now that they "haven't been able to apply the socialism because of the economic problems caused by the economic war from the International right, USA, the opposition, and Israel"... Yeap, now Israel is also at fault it seems -.- ... in fact they are bringing palestinian kids here as refugees. I think the homeless kids here (calculated around 10000) will have to become palestinian. There is propaganda everywhere, and at any hour about Palestine, and the evil Jews (there are graffiti that says "Haz patria, mata un Judio"... I suppose that an understandable translation for this in english would be "Be a patriot, kill a Jew"... any similarity with the Nazi is not a coincidence)

If anyone wants a tattoo of Chavez signature (declared Eternal Leader 2 weeks ago), its free, the state pays for it. I hope is not like that, but it could become a way to identify who are with them and who isn't. There is also a Typographic font "TC Chavez Pro" from his letter.

Well all going according to their plan, they want the people poor, fanatic, idolatrous, and thanking them for that.

BTW if anyone finds itself in front of senator Mary Landrieu... A venezuelan here gives her the finger. Thanks

Take care

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  • Posted by Solver 10 years, 7 months ago
    What about water? Looks like some global warming taxes are coming.

    "The Venezuelan government launched an information campaign to promote better water use on Saturday.
    "The national council was established on Friday by President Nicolas Maduro, and will be coordinated by planning minister Ricardo Menendez. According to Maduro, the initiative will formulate a road map to “advance a new model of water usage”.
    “It's a national council that has already been instituted with a series of meetings, to better formulate plans to confront the drought both this year and in the coming years,” Maduro told state broadcaster VTV.
    "Ministry of Lands and Agriculture has warned that primary producers are the hardest hit by ongoing water shortages. Maduro has stated climate change is exacerbating the drought.
    “Global warming is affecting life on our planet, and that's forced us to make an effort to understand what is happening," he stated.
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    • Posted by 10 years, 7 months ago
      Well, they have been saying that...Global warming, El Niño, La Niña, and saying is fault of USA for not ratifying Kyoto protocol, although USA achieved the goal of CO2 reduction .-. .

      But this has been the excuse for water and electricity shortage since 2005 (Hydroelectric is the main source of electricity here). Nothing new, we already have special taxes for excess of electricity usage. Malls since 2010 or around 2010, work until 9 pm at most in order to reduce consumption.

      Coincidentally there has been no water in my house since yesterday, is never programmed or announced, it just stop coming. In some places it tends to be more regular than in other places. Outside Caracas, is easy to be weeks without water.

      Water tanker is a very lucrative business at the moment.

      Also in some places (like Valencia), the water is absolutely putrid (Of course tap water is out of question anywhere in Venezuela... bottled water is also, a lucrative business). A good friend of my uncle lives in Valencia and had to install a 6 steps water purification machine.
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  • Posted by $ jbrenner 10 years, 7 months ago
    It is so sad what has happened to the Venezuelan oil industry. Twenty to twenty-five years ago, they were about 15% of the people at the World Congress on Catalysis when I was in catalyst development for upgrading of crude oil.
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