Eudaimonia Broadcasting Network - Signing On
Broadcast service from the Eudaimonia Broadcasting Network now resumes from our new headquarters located in beautiful and relatively Marxist-free Wyoming.
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But at the same time, it provided a lot of perspective: what I kept around vs what is actually useful, next steps now that the first has been taken.
Moving is a HUGE job.
How are the new digs?
I've moved before, but never this much this far.
Home for now.
First step in the shrugging process.
c) fled for my life.
The number of people bailing CT is staggering.
The progressive ruling class just ignores it, as far as they are concerned the riff-raff are leaving.
Sooner or later they will have to face the fact that that same riff-raff was their tax base.
I'm in Cheyenne.
I wish I could have stopped anywhere.
A misunderstanding with the company which transported our cars had me and a friend driving a 26' Penske truck pretty much non-stop.
Brutal trip.
Be advised: you may get snow next month, so be prepared. Be sure to check out "City News" ~ cool coffee shop with lots of books & magazines in downtown. Hungry? Sanford's Grub & Pub. Enjoy.
No McMansion for us, the point is is scale down, simplify, and shrug.
My favorite eateries so far:
Luxury Diner (Great country food)
Penny's Diner (24 hrs & great atmosphere)
L'osteria Mondello (Holy crap! I found *real* East Coast pizza in Cheyenne! The owner is a transplant from Philly & wanted specifically to open an authentic East Coast pizza joint).
I will check out Sanford's.
Don't live south of the tracks. The running joke back 10 years ago was 505 Williams. Don't live anywhere near there. Get a police scanner to find out why.
Looking to buy a house? Are you aware of the massive meth epidemic that hit the west 10-15 years ago? Want to know if the house you're looking at was a meth house? Simple: spray starch (like Niagra) on the back of kitchen splash guards or bathroom sink areas. If the spray turns PURPLE, leave. The meth CANNOT be removed.
Living in the "Avenues" is ok, I lived there, but the houses are mostly from the '20's and many have issues with the basements, due to tree roots seeking water and cracking the foundations in the process. But if you're really stuck on The Avenues, try 3rd and 4th Avenues for the best houses.
Got allergies? Well, ragweed & cottonwood really will hit you hard, beginning around June and will last through August, so stock up on your favorite eye drops and other allergy drugs.
For the best Chinese, go to Twin Dragon which is diagonal from City News.
Heading off into the wild west on a little car trip, even for just a day? Pack as if you would get stranded overnight, what would you need? This will ensure you don't become the first member of the deceased gulch members. You dig? (pun intended)
Don't have a truck? Get one and you'll fit in easier than if you don't. Want to really be accepted by the folks in Cheyenne? Get a horse or a couple of horses.
This info should set you off in the right direction and should assist you in avoiding the usual newbie mistakes. Cheers!
There are some very deep libertarian threads running through it.
Thanks, J.
I lived in FL for a long time. 10 years ago I moved back, and it felt so weird. I drove a truck across a bridge over Tampa Bay, and I knew I wouldn't be back for a long time. I was so happy to drive in Madison and not be on a week's vacation. I was thrilled to leave the airport on a business trip knowing I'd be coming home in a few days, not next year. I hope you're having the same type of experience.
I've been making a conscious effort to no longer refer to CT as "home" but rather as :The PRC".
Your friend,
The trip really knocked the hell out of her.
Ron is great.
Took him yesterday to the local American Legion post for a drink.
I know how to hit all the selling points :)
Just be prepared for the blizzards and getting stuck someplace for a while.
The memories of that trip and time spent in WY still crack me up.
Luckily, we were staying right across the street from The Luxury Diner.
Even more luckily, they kept their hours during the storm.