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  • Posted by $ Stormi 5 years, 11 months ago
    Only the ones who are really dumb enough to believe talking points handed them. There have to be thinking Dems who just don't make waves. In any case, I learned quickly in college that a poll is only as good as the way the questions are stated. It is easy to get the results before you ask the questions, depending on how stated. Asked if they are willing to pay more taxes to give aid to illegals, to risk gangs endangering their families, to risk their property being handed over to illegals, I think they would quickly get it. Them dDems can be relied upon to frame questions for a superficial, touchy feely answer, without any reality.
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    • Posted by 5 years, 11 months ago
      There are a few new Democrat representatives who say there has to be compromise with the President on the border wall, so that indicates some degree of thinking exists in the party. Is it enough to make a difference, or does their leadership keep listening to the siren song of "resist?"
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  • Posted by freedomforall 5 years, 11 months ago
    I think that the real reason why the Democrats won't fund the wall now is they can't afford to have Trump succeed using the "closing of government" as a lever to get what he wants. It would open the door to use of it in the future. The GOP has to find a face saving way for this to end. Giving in to Trump would show just how weak the statists are (both Dem and GOP.) I think that Trump knows it.
    Of course, the statists would apparently rather frustrate Trump on anything and everything than do what is obviously better for Americans.
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  • Posted by $ jbrenner 5 years, 11 months ago
    While we shouldn't believe anything that the mainstream media says anymore, I would not be shocked if 90% of Democrats are against attempting to control our southern border. Doing so is in what moochers think is their own self-interest. More Democrats -> more Democrats in power -> more loot for moochers.

    It certainly is in their looter master's self-interest.
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  • Posted by Dobrien 5 years, 11 months ago
    No don’t trust anything in the brainstreammedia.
    Elections have consequences Trump won.
    The Dems are frauds the media is the Deep state mouthpiece. Can’t wait for the lefts hero’s to be served justice coming soon.
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  • Posted by tohar1 5 years, 11 months ago
    I think the answer to the question lies in who is asked the question. Democrats, as in politicians (most of whom suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome), I would believe the 90% number. I believe those that regularly vote democratic, in large part support AMERICA if not the President in trying to keep the country safe. The President just doesn't have a way to speak to the public that is going to resonate with a great deal of the populace. His Twitter goes out 95% to his supporters, and 5% to trolls. The news media isn't going to give him any fair shake for sure, because the line between news & opinion has been blurred too much as to where the average person cannot tell the difference. And let's face it, like him or don't, the President doesn't come off as a great communicator (ie: Reagan)...It's just his persona that turns many people off. I believe O'bummer got as far as he did because he was nothing if not smooth. Arrogance be damned, that sucker could convince a person that ice wasn't cold.
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    • Posted by $ pixelate 5 years, 11 months ago
      When Obama was on teleprompter, he did alright. However, when off script, he sounded like an inarticulate punk from the south side of Chicago. He was all varnish. I often refer to him as President Zero. I think that he also appealed to the same -- they could vote for and elect someone just like themselves.

      I confess, some of the media pitches by Trump bring a cringe ... but I really do like the fact that we are seeing him for who he is, and I get the impression that much of what he says has no script -- he is simply "The Donald" 24/7 and can be nothing else. This should not be a surprise to anyone since he's been a vocal public figure for many years.
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      • Posted by tohar1 5 years, 11 months ago
        Agreed 100%...but again with the media's help, rarely was he cast in an unfriendly light. Whereas, President Trump cannot say a single word without be raked over with a fine toothed comb. The same thing was done to GWB, who always came off as a hayseed hick in my opinion.
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  • Posted by GaryL 5 years, 11 months ago
    I used to refuse to do any political polls when ever I got the stupid calls at home. Now I have completely done a 180 and love taking them. Of Course my answers to their poll questions are completely 180 degrees opposite from how I honestly feel and it makes me feel great that I screwed up their stupid poll numbers. I think a lot of people do just like me and hope their polls turn out to be dead wrong.
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 5 years, 11 months ago
    I just love Polls. But no one has ever asked me any questions and I vote and pay taxes. I am almost 82 years old (April) and this distresses me. I read all these and wonder who they 'polled'????
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    • Posted by 5 years, 11 months ago
      I don't answer pollsters. I like to keep 'em guessing. From what I understand, and one reason why I don't trust polls, is that there's a distinct bias toward young liberals in the polls. That may be a choice, or it may just be many seniors are like me and don't participate. Young people are more comfortable with sharing information. I get too many calls offering hearing aids and funeral plots as it is.
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