Do you believe Cholesterol should be low? (Still?)
Posted by CaptainKirk 6 years ago to Science
Dr. Peter Attia WALKS you through the Ancel Keys debacle. Explains WHY it kinda made sense, but how people use their own Cognitive Bias to lie to themselves.
Also, how people held up publishing studies that disproved "accepted wisdom" caused a MUCH LONGER Drought on the information getting out there.
For my part, I have known for a long time that Cholesterol is NOT the problem we have been told. I have 2 brothers, one with a stent and one who had triple bypass surgery. Newsflash, the stent had cholesterol below 160 at the time! While mine has been above 200 since my teens! The other brother had cholesterol below 200...
Again, get a CAC (Calcium Score) and KNOW your risk of a heart attack, and SEE your plaque levels!
Then as you watch this... Ask yourself, HOW MANY TIMES will this keep happening... Climate Change, anyone? When we cannot discuss, and you cannot publish because it goes against "accepted wisdom" (or the hate mobs), we all pay a high price!
Also, how people held up publishing studies that disproved "accepted wisdom" caused a MUCH LONGER Drought on the information getting out there.
For my part, I have known for a long time that Cholesterol is NOT the problem we have been told. I have 2 brothers, one with a stent and one who had triple bypass surgery. Newsflash, the stent had cholesterol below 160 at the time! While mine has been above 200 since my teens! The other brother had cholesterol below 200...
Again, get a CAC (Calcium Score) and KNOW your risk of a heart attack, and SEE your plaque levels!
Then as you watch this... Ask yourself, HOW MANY TIMES will this keep happening... Climate Change, anyone? When we cannot discuss, and you cannot publish because it goes against "accepted wisdom" (or the hate mobs), we all pay a high price!
Natural foods are good.
BTW, you should have your husbands A1C Checked, and a Calcium Score done. Those two things will start you looking in the right direction. The A1C is a 90 Day average of your glucose numbers. It's pretty stable (like testing a moving average).
I wish you and your family the best.
Remember the 36% reduction of heart-attacks from from 3 in the control group to 2. Its a relative risk %. The truth is, over 1,000 people have to take the drug for ONE PERSON to see the benefit!
When you take Lipitor, it cuts cholesterol to below optimal level.
Look up the many scientific publication on how it contributes to memory loss.
This video is more about obesity, but has a good explanation of suppression of research results which did not conform to the "accepted wisdom" in the dietary guidelines (from about 7min)
I would make sure to have the following tested. (Do not use these results to get Life Insurance, you can be turned down for knowing too much).
1) hsCRP and Homocystene -> Inflammation markers
2) A1C -> 90 day moving average of your blood glucose. Indicates pre-diabetes/diabetes, or healthy pretty clearly
[Being on a statin significantly increases your risk of getting diabetes, I think 10% get it]
3) Lipid Profile (HDL,LDL) using NMR for the full detail of the SIZE of the lipo-proteins
4) Full Liver and Kidney Panel (common)
5) Pay the $120 and have a CAC (Calcium Score). Get the ACTUAL odds of a heart attack in the next 10 years!
[Had you done this before, you might have avoided the stent]
This is in addition to whatever tests he runs. I assume he is checking your Thyroid levels, Triglycerides, etc. etc.
In my case, I accidentally at like 2-3lbs of bacon the day before and 3 days before my blood work, not knowing about the Feldman protocol. (I fasted the middle day). Had I not fasted the middle day, I would have probably lowered my cholesterol more. BTW, my total Cholesterol dropped over 50 points. BECAUSE of eating excess fats in that 72hr window...
Now, if I needed to have a lowered cholesterol for work... I would know what to do to lower it. Which is cheating the test. But it points out that the test does not work.
So, about having alcohol the night before... If you only drink one day a week, then my answer is NO I would not drink the night before my blood work, as it represents 1/7th of your life and probably has other negative marker results. Worse, it could mask something else... Not worth it.
In fact, one of the reasons they ask you to fast for 12hrs before your bloodwork is to normalize it.
What I have learned is the longer I fast, the better my bloodwork!
There is ZERO evidence that High LDL is causal in first heart attacks. In fact, most studies show that 50% of the people have High Cholesterol and 50% have lower cholesterol. Their answer: Lower the definition of High.
Mine: Prove Cholesterol is Causative.
BTW, How did your tests go?
As I stated earlier I had already reduced the statin and BP medications in half 3 weeks before the initial blood draw and all was within what he thinks are normal limits. The over abundance of iron could be a cause for the joint pain I live with but I was surprised to hear I had no tick born disease as I live where Lyme is prevalent and my dog did have Anaplasmosis. Both her and I have had numerous tick bites as we are quite active with hunting, fishing, hiking and gardening. The term Arthritis seems to be a generic one to describe most joint pains in seniors but there sure could be other underlying causes and a mis diagnosis.
I made my final goal, and am working on maintenance. I am doing all of my tests this year, and so far, everything is checking out fine.
Back to diet. I am still amazed how many people feel better without the grains. For me, I tested Vodka 2 weeks ago. Joints swelled up. Not horribly, but harder to close my hands within 30 minutes of the first shot. Worse after the second shot.
And if the pain is not severe enough. Then who cares. A quick side test you can do, is to determine if it is Inflammation related... Have them give you a short term prescription for Prednisone (A steroid), as if you had gout. You take it for about 5 days. If that makes the pain go away, then it IS CAUSED by inflammation. Which would confirm (to me), that it is something in your diet. And maybe worth doing a dietary change for a couple of weeks to see if you can replicate the results on a meat+water+salt (a clean elimination diet)... But MANY people cannot commit to it. It's REALLY hard at first, once you get there and feel better, going back to your old ways are just too obviously bad for you. That's where I am at!
I have worked in health care for some time now, read many more studies than I can remember, and have learned a lot about our modern "health care". I've even ben subject of a couple studies. Love talking directly with the PhDs doing such work. What they say to me isn't what the media tells you they discovered. A lot of conventional wisdom is a farce. I'd sum it all up with two words - buyer beware.
Meaning you have 1 chance in 1,000 of getting the benefit, vs 100 chances in 1,000 of getting diabetes. And that's big.
It's why I started posting about the tests that TELL you your risks, like a calcium score, etc.
I watched them chemically lobotomize my mother, and learned that doctors "practice" medicine on the unsuspecting. NOTHING beats are ER Rooms and Field medics. But don't see them for health!
Yep, the SIMPLE fact that they DO NOT have to report on TV or ads, using the SAME % (35% reduction in heart attacks and only a 10% risk in diabetes... Sounds great. But if they reported the TRUTH. 100 people will get diabetes for EVERY heart attack they prevent! And only 1 in 1,000 will have the heart attack prevention. Whereas 100 in 1,000 will get diabetes).
instead they mumble along about "some patients".
My brother was started on a statin, had muscle wasting, muscle pain, etc (after his heart attack). I FORCED him to read the "insert", he noticed that ALL of his symptoms were listed. He confronted his doctor asking for EACH condition, if the statin causes this... And the doctor said NO for every symptom.
Then mark broke out the paperwork, where it was all highlighted.
The doctors said "Who reads that? Nobody does. It's required to be there for legal reasons!"
OMG: My brother flew down, saw my doctor, got off of his heart meds, and has recovered his heart through proper HIIT exercise. It took a few years, but he is better for it!
The progressive state and now the postmodernist have had it out for conscious value creating human beings for a long time now.
I love a nice filet mignon with blue cheese, medium rare, please.
It used to be that I ate more fish than I do now, which is practically nothing.
Once in a blue moon I have salmon or venture to sauté Petrale sole in lemon with capers. I love trout in a restaurant but I could not make it to taste the same when I do it myself. I should eat more.
I used to bbq tri-tip regularly. That was a habit from my college days when I attended school where the cut had been established. Tri-tip can be quite nice on the barby...
But based on @KetoDave and the Feldman protocol, we are realizing that even Cholesterol can be completely manipulated based on the last 72 hours of your diet. (Note: MORONS who avoid fats for a few days before their blood work, actually get a HIGHER Cholesterol reading, as the liver picks up the slack. LOL).
In general, realize that INFLAMMATION and CALCIFICATION are the real problems. Blaming Cholesterol for PLAQUE is like blaming bricks for inner cities!