Online Censorship article: NewsGuard Launches War on Alternative Media

Posted by Kittyhawk 6 years, 2 months ago to Technology
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Though it is just getting started, Newsguard’s plan to insert its app into every device and major social-media network is a threat to any news site that regularly publishes information that rubs any of Newsguard’s investors, partners or advisors the wrong way. Given its plan to rank the English-language U.S. news sites that account for 98 percent of U.S. digital news consumption, Newsguard’s agenda is of the utmost concern to every independent media page active in the United States and beyond — given Newsguard’s promise to take its project global.

By linking up with former CIA and NSA directors, Silicon Valley Giants, and massive PR firms working for some of the most controversial governments and corporations in the world, Newsguard has betrayed the fact that it is not actually seeking to “restore trust and accountability” in journalism, but to “restore trust and accountability” in news outlets that protect the existing power structure and help shield the corporate-led oligarchy and military-industrial complex from criticism.

Not only is it trying to tank the reputations of independent media through its biased ranking system, Newsguard is also seeking to attack these alternative voices financially and by slipping its ranking system by default onto all computers and phones sold in the U.S.
However, Newsguard and it agenda of guarding the establishment from criticism can be stopped. By supporting independent media and unplugging from social media sites committed to censorship, like Facebook and Twitter, we can strengthen the independent media community and keep it afloat despite the unprecedented nature of these attacks on free speech and watchdog journalism.

Beyond that, a key way to keep Newsguard and those behind it on their toes is to hold them to account by pointing out their clear conflicts of interest and hypocrisy and by derailing the narrative they are carefully crafting that Newsguard is “non-partisan,” “trustworthy,” and true guardians against the scourge of “fake news.”

While this report has sought to be a starting point for such work, anyone concerned about Newsguard and its connections to the war machine and corrupt corporations should feel encouraged to point out the organization’s own conflicts of interests and shady connections via its Twitter and Facebook pages and the feedback section on Newsguard’s website. The best way to defeat this new tool of the neocons is to put them on notice and to continue to expose Newsguard as a guardian of empire, not a guardian of journalism.

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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 6 years, 1 month ago
    Competition is usually a good thing, but competing commercial censors? Right-leaning independent news sources have already been under assault by progressive entities like Facebook and Google, as have climate change "deniers." So now we're going to see a Deep State entity attempting to squash anyone, left or right, who goes against globalist ventures?
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  • Posted by Temlakos 6 years, 1 month ago
    So that's one app I shall studiously avoid. Or are they planning to bake it into Android, iOS, and WinPhone?
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    • Posted by 6 years, 1 month ago
      Yes, the article is quite scary. Those involved include the elites of technology, politics and media. They are currently pushing to have it installed on state government controlled devices, such as computers in libraries and universities. (Hawaii has complied.) The next step is for them to arrange to have it automatically installed on new computers and phones.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 6 years, 1 month ago
    Calling all hackers: We need a devastating BUG to be inserted in that program...would be nice if it came out of the program at their end and took a big chunk our of their ass!
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