An Italian car of a country, Argentina looks great but just doesn’t work
Posted by CircuitGuy 6 years, 1 month ago to Government
"In the 19th century, history books questioned whether Argentina or the United States would emerge as the New World’s great power. Buoyed by vast European migration and fertile land that made it a global breadbasket, Argentina had more cars than France and was richer than Japan.
Jolted by the Great Depression, Argentina emerged from it relatively rapidly, only to run into a brick wall named Juan Perón."
"Perón’s pro-labor policies cultivated devout working-class followers but also laid the groundwork for the conversion of his party into an entity that would mirror a corrupt union."
Jolted by the Great Depression, Argentina emerged from it relatively rapidly, only to run into a brick wall named Juan Perón."
"Perón’s pro-labor policies cultivated devout working-class followers but also laid the groundwork for the conversion of his party into an entity that would mirror a corrupt union."
See the that Che? Good lord...
I know It's right under the headline that "Argentina does not work" and right above where it explains Argentina had a GDP similar to US in 1900 but their gov't ran the country like a corrupt labor union.