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  • Posted by $ 6 years ago
    As I said on RoR:
    This is good news on two broad fronts.

    I was certified as a Toastmaster long ago. I have been to other meetings since then to introduce colleagues and co-workers to a local club. One challenge for me in Toastmasters is have to pull my punches. I just did not want to come out of the closet on every issue. Once in a while is OK, and offering a different point of view well is supposed to be what Toastmasters is all about. But after a while, it just get cloying for everyone else when you get up there week after week attacking charity, minimum wage, social security, public schools, relatives you did not ask for, and Oscar-winning movies. It would be nice to re-certify in a group where all of that is assumed and we can try really new ideas.

    On my last contract, we held every meeting via Skype, even when we were down the hall from each other. My boss didn't want everyone piled into his office. And it was a mulitnational, so we had meetings with people in South America and Europe via Skype. (I used Webex with another contract.). So, being able to stand and deliver via visiphone is an important skill. It is different than a live audience.

    As for our hosts, I googled Ilene Skeen and she has good Objectivist credentials.
    She is listed at ARI, and, among other sites.
    Find her on Quora about "The Best Arguments for an Against Ayn Rand's Objectivism:
    Self-Empowerment for Teens on Ayn Rand Hero here:
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