The Yellow Vests Get it Right, by Robert Gore

Posted by straightlinelogic 6 years ago to Government
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Bankruptcy is a when, not an if. One question is whether it starts in a random corner of the world’s financial system, or at the behest of its putative victims. Which gets us back to the Yellow Vests’ attempted bank run. In the present overly indebted age, any financial crisis worth its salt will result in bank runs, with depositors losing most or all of their deposits. Debt is the Achilles heel of the world’s governments. A widespread run on financial institutions will dramatically reduce credit availability and raise interest rates, and it will shut off credit entirely for some of them. Under those circumstances, tax revenues will shrink as well.

As argued in “Revolution in America,” (SLL) anyone truly interested in upending those systems should try, like the Yellow Vests, to initiate the mass withdrawal of funds from the tottering financial system. It’s effective, nonviolent, currently legal, gets those funds out before they’re frozen and then confiscated by rapacious governments, and initiates the inevitable crisis to the advantage of those who initiate it. For more particulars and supporting arguments see “Revolution.”

This is an excerpt. For the complete article, please click the above link.

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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 6 years ago
    Ok...I get your premise...get them before they get you?

    But what I question is Why would you destroy the physical world you live in, ie, buildings, structures that have made France, French, the very streets you travel on, the very stores and restaurants you patronize, down to the very cars you drive.
    Yes, Protests, strikes and a run on the establishment that increasingly causes you harm is a noble cause...but that doesn't require one to destroy the very place you live and sleep...even animals do not defecate where they sleep.

    It seems it always goes that way...I wonder if the last "Spring of Nations" was that destructive.
    [historically we know that is wasn't all that productive.]
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