Sen. Ron Wyden and Rep. Earl Blumenauer Introduce Nationwide Vote-by-Mail Bill

Posted by $ nickursis 6 years ago to Government
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Is vote by mail "democracy"? Isn't "democracy" just 50.1% of the mob imposing itself on the other 49.9%? Isn't that why any way to rig elections, fake votes, "automatic registration", just more ways to improve on Mayor Daleys motto "Vote early, and often"?

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  • Posted by LibertyBelle 6 years ago
    I am against "vote-by-mail. Too many chances of fraud.
    It is reasonable, in a republic, to expect that when citizens want to vote in an election, they will bring their bodies in and vote in person. If it's not that important to them, they shouldn't vote.
    Now there may be reasons for some exceptions: being away on military service, for instance (I voted that way once, in boot camp), being bed-ridden at home, etc. But it shouldn't be just allowed to everybody without a specific reason, across the board.
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    • Posted by $ 6 years ago
      Being absent is ok, that is why we had absentee votes, but even that got stolen too, lots of states allow absentee votes to be used as "early voting" and even report the results before election day. Add vote by mail and the whole system is corrupted. That is their goal, they can then control the next election.
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  • Posted by walkabout 6 years ago
    If anything we need to make voting more difficult. First we repeal the 26th Amendment -- 18 year olds brains are not yet ready to be making important logic derived decisions. Eliminate automatic registration. Any one who is too lazy to get down to the courthouse in a two year period is too lazy to make important decisions. The rolls should be purged after each election so only the living, residentially appropriate and interested have the opportunity to vote (much less likely to have their opportunity to vote stolen).
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    • Posted by $ 6 years ago
      Now, think about who and why did the 26th get passed for? Part of the plan to indoctrinate the little buggers then let them loose as a way to take elections? There is a reason they use to have a poll tax, one, fund the process and govt, and 2, make you pay for the privilege so maybe you would have a value to it. Heinlein pushed the idea of value as much as Rand did, and he equated something that did not cost you, was equally worthless and treated that way.
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      • Posted by LibertyBelle 6 years ago
        The poll tax served to keep blacks from voting; they were poorer than whites.
        As to the 18-year-old vote, these young men were being enslaved and sent off to maybe die without any voice in the matter.
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        • Posted by walkabout 6 years ago
          Yes, and to counter those arguments I would give the vote to anyone in uniform on election day (at the federal level -- states could decide separably;l( Yes, any active duty military member who was also 21 or older would get two votes. To me that is a win-win for the country (as the military trains their folks how to think and make adequate rational decisions and as they have the right to die for their county -- have more skin in the game -- getting a vote for being active duty is just fine with me.
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          • Posted by LibertyBelle 6 years ago
            Two votes?! I can't go along with that. But I do think it was outrageous to draft them wifhout allowing them a vote.
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            • Posted by walkabout 6 years ago
              As a volunteer force -- and especially as a drafted force -- having soldiers, sailors, airman and Marines have the vote makes tremendous sense. Being mature enough to carry out that responsibility does NOT come just from having 18 years of life experience. It comes from specific developmental maturational experiences (Basic Training, life within an important organization)Thus, repealing the 26th Amendment makes great sense. Allowing those who have more "skin in the game" as BHO liked to say, to to me makes sense and, with my personal respect for the men and women in the service I feel sanguine giving them a "up close and personal" vote. These votes would be, of course, only for President/Vice President, Congress persons and Senators -- the federal offices most relevant to the foreign policy initiatives service personnel are closest to. Of course, some of my enthusiasm for this ides stems from Albert "the sky is falling" Gore's effort o eliminate the votes from active duty military personnel. The more military based votes their are the more I personally feel the best voted upon answers can be reached.
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        • Posted by $ 6 years ago
          "A poll tax is a tax levied as a fixed sum on every liable individual. Although often associated with states of the former Confederacy, poll taxes were also in place in some northern and western states, including California, Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Hampshire, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Vermont and Wisconsin.[1] Poll taxes had been a major source of government funding among the colonies which formed the United States. Poll taxes made up from one-third to one-half of the tax revenue of colonial Massachusetts. Various privileges of citizenship, including voter registration or issuance of driving licenses and resident hunting and fishing licenses, were conditioned on payment of poll taxes to encourage collection of this tax revenue. "

          While true it was used to suppress specific groups, the "black" claim is not valid, in that it was used against all poor people, women and had some wrinkles in it to ensure it focused on stable, wealthy people.
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  • Posted by walkabout 6 years ago
    democracy has to be more than two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner. The point of the Electoral Collage is to make elections "fair" It is one way and a brilliant way at that to do it, but so we change to a system where each county in the country gets one vote for President. If that was in place trump wins approximately 80/20. If the electoral collage did not exist America would have fallen apart a long time ago.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 6 years ago
    There is NO such thing as "voter suppression" unless you consider left wing cheating or the prohibiting of self sufficiency we find as a result of living in the cities.
    Voting was meant to be a physical act, inconvenient so as to show one really cares and is invested in the country.

    A few,.. fill in the dots and a long walk to your mail box is not enough to show you are invested in liberty and my opinion.
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    • Posted by $ 6 years ago
      Exactly. Rule of thumb: Any law or rule change that is sold as "making it easier" is inevitably to make it easier to do their corrupt activity. Therfore it is bad and should not be allowed. Yet, in the last 60 years, the number of them is staggering, and I have no idea how to ever calculate it, but between states and Fed, it must number in the millions. Given that no one can track all that crap, is it any wonder the deep state evolved and took over?OUC is correct, voting SHOULD be hard, and if you do not have the ability to get to a voting poll station, THEN they system and volunterers should assist, even to the point of having deputized poll takers who can go to people unable to get there. The system could work, and all the excuses were just that, excuses, to enable to deep state to manipulate it. Look at their proposal "Automatic Registration"? Hello?
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  • Posted by Lucky 6 years ago
    A story from NSW, Australia
    A government agency ran a ferry service.

    When the time came for a new ferry, a bright spark suggested that the public be asked to name the new boat.
    "We are a public service after all... blah blah."
    Voting was organized.
    There was a clear winner, the public wanted the name to be: Boatie McBoat Face.
    The agency did not accept that result.

    Question, something went wrong, was it-
    -Not accepting the result
    -Putting the question to a vote in the first place
    -Democracy has its place but not that place
    -Employing idiots
    - ..etc .. .. ?
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    • Posted by freedomforall 6 years ago
      I hear that you no longer have the right to even disagree with forced vaccinations in Oz.

      Looks like a medical dictatorship.
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      • Posted by $ gharkness 6 years ago
        The ordinary citizen does have the right to disagree with forced vaccinations in Oz. (Did you even read the article?)

        But if you are in the position of leading the public (nurse/midwife as stated) then you have already given up that "right" because you are in an enhanced position with regard to believability. At the very least, they should be forced - if taking this stance - to back it up with actual facts and statistics, just as any doctor/nurse/midwife in favor of the vaccines should (and can) back their endorsements up by statistical means.

        So if one is against vaccines they should be exclused from a medical setting, and then they can espouse killing children with neglect to their heart's content.
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      • Posted by Lucky 6 years ago
        The article exagerates, but yes, still dictatorial.

        By the way, question-
        On this particular topic, what sort of evidence, if any, could be strong enough to require compulsion?
        A certain bequest may -like to see a proposal for an erudite and publishable study on this question- etc. Any ideas?
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        • Posted by freedomforall 6 years ago
          Is this more an issue of government not wanting to pay for treatment of the un-vaccinated if they contract the disease? Or is it a case of government controlled by Big Pharma and protecting its profits regardless of the value of the vaccination products in preventing disease without side effects?
          Are Pharma companies protected from lawsuit (for damages by vaccination) by Australian law as they are in the US?
          Based on my reading there are significant questions about the benefits and side effects of some of the required vaccinations. If such questions are valid, I can't see any rational support for compulsion. It appears that the parents have a vested interest in the health of their children. Government interests are not so clear to me.
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  • Posted by rbunce 6 years ago
    The vote by mail fraud is usually the result of the voter not protecting their ballot. OR for instance seems to have a pretty good security system devised to keep the voter from being careless.
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    • Posted by $ 6 years ago
      So, then, what is to prove that the number of ballots cast were actually the real number of ballots cast? We have seen how easy it was in Broward county fake votes by the thousands. What stops someone in a County office from substituting 400 democrat votes for republican ones, or for specific ballot measures, because they "believe in the cause" or are bought out? How would you know? I do NOT trust ANYONE in government after the last 8 years...
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