This author at The American Mind says we have crossed the threshold into the next American revolution. On point?

Posted by BrettRocketSci 6 years, 5 months ago to Politics
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This is a long and thought-provoking piece. If I can summarize, his thesis is that progressives have become such forceful Resisters, in ways far beyond democratic politics and public discourse, that they have moved into the next stage of conflict. With Trump, we now have someone who is fighting back. These opposing forces cannot end peacefully. The midterm election results will be pivotal.
I already thought our current situation in the US was dire and tenuous. This reinforces it. Thanks for anyone who spends time to read the article and then share your thoughts.

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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 6 years, 5 months ago
    However...progressives are a dying breed, even though big government lives on they are no match for the destruct power of cultural marxism and postmodernism...that in it self, is why we can't have a discussion with the opposing side.
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    • Posted by Andy 6 years, 5 months ago
      Are cultural marxism and postmodernism turning on progressives? I thought they were basically the same?
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      • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 6 years, 5 months ago
        Not even close, progressives are Big Government does everything; whereas, CM and PM want to take down all of western culture, society, civilization via chaos, really stupid nonsense, upside down thinklessing so that they alone, the dumbest, most corrupt, most perverted, least human, non producers of them all, can be in power.

        These creatures have hiltery/billybob and the like,.. beat, hands down!
        They EAT dead burnt babies at the church of Baal every Saturday night...
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        • Posted by Andy 6 years, 4 months ago
          Worse than Hillary? Do we know their names or are they people we've never heard of?
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          • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 6 years, 4 months ago
            It's infected the culture, academia, and 8% of the radical left. Anyone that speaks nonsense has that mental virus.
            Yes there are some prominent ones, who's names escape me right now, but the movement has a history you can look up.
            Just search Post Modernism, you'll find that it rejects, Modern, enlightenment thought, (our forefathers), and they have teamed up with cultural marxism, (violent chaos) as the vehicle to make their wet nightmares come true.

            Sorass, hilterybillbob and a lot of demoncraps are minions of this anti-philosophy.
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      • Posted by Solver 6 years, 5 months ago
        The progressives were the old left. The cultural Marxists are the new left. But, when the progressive collective condones every irrational and immoral action of the cultural marxist collective, you got to wonder. Although, many of the old left seems to be walking away from this new left. That’s a good thing.
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  • Posted by term2 6 years, 5 months ago
    The 2nd Americal Civil War has already begun. Obama unleashed it and Hillary pushed it along with the help of Sanders. Its 50-50 now, with the progressive idiots now saying they will be violent UNLESS power is returned to them. We have the takers vs the producers, and I doubt the producers are just going to sit idly by and be fleeced- proof of that is the election of Trump.

    Its time somehow for the country to be divided up into conservative and progressive camps. I dont know how this could be done, but I would definitely move to the conservative soil and let the progressives sink in their own advanced collectivism. The war has started, and if the dems lose next week, it will become even more violent than it is now.
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    • Posted by $ allosaur 6 years, 5 months ago
      It's gonna get uglier.
      Should Trump be assassinated, I'll be very sad but not at all surprised.
      The Left will be whooping it up all giddy-eyed with glee, looking like Muslims acted just after 9/11.
      That won't last long. Pence won't be offering a penny for their thoughts.
      Then here we go again.
      Me dino be thinking of how President Andrew Johnson further crushed the beaten South after Lincoln was assassinated.
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      • Posted by term2 6 years, 5 months ago
        I can tell you that if Trump were assassinated, I wouldnt want to contribute to the success of the liberals at all. I would lose all interest in working and funding their ideological pursuits, and I would go galt as much as I could- regardless of what anyone else did.
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        • Posted by $ allosaur 6 years, 5 months ago
          Heck, me dino already has no use for libs or anything they want.
          I even conceal carry in no gun zones.
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          • Posted by term2 6 years, 5 months ago
            I never thought I would consider getting involved in guns except as a defense in my own house from attack. But nowadays, violence is getting to the the norm in restaurants and other public places. Very scary, as even if one has a gun it could get you into more trouble if you accidentally hit someone else, or just wound the person you identify as the attacker. This is like the wild west, but at least then you didnt have to fight the legal system after you fought the attacker.
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            • Posted by $ allosaur 6 years, 5 months ago
              Better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6. That reminds me, I really need to return to my favorite indoor shooting range.
              Retired from the Alabama Department Of Corrections, I no longer NRA qualify with a handgun, shotgun and a rifle during annual advanced training.
              Accidentally shooting an innocent person is a very creepy thought.
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              • Posted by term2 6 years, 5 months ago
                especially creepy since bullets once fired can go lots of places you dont intend in addition to the one where you wanted them to go.
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                • Posted by $ allosaur 6 years, 5 months ago
                  To have a gun comes with the duty of keeping shooting skills sharp.
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                  • Posted by term2 6 years, 5 months ago
                    I think its kind of an inefficient means of protection. It can go through the intended target to a completely unintended target, can richochet off something and go somewhere else.

                    Plus, in the heat of battle, its not often just like a sniper with lots of time, a rifle with a stand and sight, where they take one careful shot.

                    In real life with a handgun, and the desire to fire off as many shots as it takes to down the attacker, its a different story.
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  • Posted by DeangalvinFL 6 years, 5 months ago
    Progressives think that "America's history is one of wrongs".
    Whew, that gets to the heart of the matter!!
    Interesting article, even if over lengthy.

    I don't think it is "on point" however. As your post asks. Revolution is too strong a word and such language itself is what exacerbates the ongoing divide between people and ideas. In a revolution, one is past the point of discussion or reason. We on the side of reason shouldn't go down the road of using such language.

    Furthermore, "These opposing forces cannot end peacefully" is also too strong a sentiment. Why cant it? We on the side of reason shouldn't give in to the rhetoric of those who want to provoke chaos. Rather, we should try to stick to the facts and the underlying fundamentals with the grand hope that reason will win out in the end.
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    • Posted by term2 6 years, 5 months ago
      The war is between takers and producers. How can it end peacefully? If you neightbors show up and want to take what you worked for, they are the ones using force first and the only option you would have is to fight badk. The war has begun, as you can see that the liberals wont accept the finality of democratic elections even. When talking is over, violence is all that is left.
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    • Posted by Solver 6 years, 5 months ago
      Your quote above was just part of a more powerfully witten section,
      “Progressives since Herbert Croly’s and Woodrow Wilson’s generation have nursed a superiority complex. They distrust elections because they think that power should be in expert hands—their own. They believe that the U.S Constitution gave too much freedom to ordinary Americans and not enough power to themselves, and that America’s history is one of wrongs. The books they read pretend to argue scientifically that the rest of Americans are racist, sexist, maybe fascists, but above all stupid. For them, Americans are harmful to themselves and to the world, and have no right to self-rule.”

      Once again this gets at the heart of that matter,
      “For them, Americans are harmful to themselves and to the world, and have no right to self-rule.”
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      • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 6 years, 5 months ago
        Superiority complexes are a dangerous mix when coupled with psychopathy and or schizophrenia...those that "Think" they are smarter than the average bear are doomed to trip over their untied shoe laces.
        Woodie wilson and company were not only ignorant dummies but corrupt racist ones as well...such is the face of undeserved power.
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      • Posted by exceller 6 years, 5 months ago
        Oh yes, we are familiar with that "logic".

        The communists based their existence on it and executed millions who did not think the ruling class was superior in any sense except in their demented craving for power.

        I am so tired of this "revolution" crap. There is no revolution only an increasingly violent mob who carries out the left's vicious vendetta against their opponents.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 6 years, 4 months ago
    I think his argument is wrong for many reasons. He's close to hitting on something that it's hard or impossible to make a democratic republic work when a quarter of spending is by the gov't. The stakes of controlling the gov't are so high.

    Contrary to what he says, we are nowhere near reaching a crisis point due to this. It's actually the opposite. People are distracted by nonsense. They aren't fighting over the meat of where that gov't spending will go. Rather we have the struggling and suffering of the world lashing out using new technology that will publish things newspapers would not publish in letters to the editor.

    We are at grave risk, though, of real issues of where gov't monies are spent and how and on whose lives the gov't intrudes.

    The stuff the article says about how the owners of the media have such a powerful megaphone. He completely misses the mega-trend of democratized media, which is a big part of why we're having this discussion of whether this is a revolutionary turning point.

    As the article goes on, I get the idea the author buys into the hype. There's this huge revolutionary movement with powerful interests conspiring against it. It's utter nonsense. We have not even seen the beginnings of differences over how gov't power is exercised coming to a head. His conspiratorial imagination is actually sucking some of the oxygen that might otherwise go to real differences. Constitutionally governed democratic rule is in danger, but the author identifies the wrong reasons and time for a real crisis to occur.
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 6 years, 4 months ago
    With all this talk of possible anarchy(the violent type), I will have to spend the money I don't have and buy a long gun a plenty of ammo. The Dimm's and their Blackshirt Fascist Antifa Mob want to destroy America as we know it. My wife and I were discussing how our parents were alive they would be appalled at the situation in this country. Both my father and father-in-law were WW2 veterans, both prospered after the war and raised their families in a growing country. What the hell happen? The people have forgotten about past history and now trying to destroy the past as the Communist did in Eastern Europe after the War.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 6 years, 5 months ago
    Cultural Marxism runs deep in the country today. I engage in discussions using fact, logic, and reasoning, only to be met with a bumper sticker response and name calling. I feel the torches and pitchforks are being readied. Several Hollywood self-proclaimed political savants are declaring that there will be "blood in the streets" if Democrats don't at least win the House next week (and possibly if they don't win both the House and Senate).

    If, by chance, the Republicans keep control of both sides of Congress, expect to see at least serious effort to jam the gears of government. Street demonstrations and violent action will increase, forcing the government's hand to develop a more aggressive response to opposition forces. The "Antifa Act" proposed in the House is a dangerous, ill-advised response to Marxist pressure, making the wearing of a mask during commission of a crime a crime itself. 2nd amendment supporters are petitioning Congress not to go down this route, because it could backfire if things go wrong, and conservatives find themselves the resistance.

    It will be difficult, but I believe that stepping away from the fray and "going Galt" should be the way taken for some of us. It may be the only salvation the country has.
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