I think what Sen Collins wen through, the various violent means the Democrats (and deep state) tried to use, and inflicted on her, is a clear warning flag of the danger our sciety faces right now. The mere fact a sitting Senator was abused this way, all for "her vote" and the whole circus the democrats ran, says it all, especially when Ayn Rand said:
As Ayn Rand put it, “the government is the means of placing the retaliatory use of force under objective control.” (“The Nature of Government,” in Capitalism: the Unknown Ideal, p. 331)
Obviously the democrats do not subscribe to Ayn Rands views....
As Ayn Rand put it, “the government is the means of placing the retaliatory use of force under objective control.” (“The Nature of Government,” in Capitalism: the Unknown Ideal, p. 331)
Obviously the democrats do not subscribe to Ayn Rands views....
SOURCE URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9pHBp2UUog
He has been personal friends with Senator Collins for a number of years, and although he will not give any specifics, apparently what she went through was for worse than has been divulged.
I was personally horrified and very ashamed of my country and what we have become as a result of following Kavanaugh's confirmation process. It was sickening.
Maybe Sen. Collins is a patriot; maybe her staff are good, but confused, people.
What I see are people who suck from the federal tit and produce nothing but misery for the rest of us. When they stop compromising their principles and deliver on promises, then I will be moved by such a story. Until then, I consider it as just more propaganda.
(No offense to you, nick;^)
The audio book I just listened too "Give me a fast ship" (A history of the Revolutionary Navy) illustrated that we have had this very problem since the inception, John Adams played games with favorites, as well as Ben Franklin. Many politicians then only tried to get rich off the revolution. Many didin't even discharge their duties, and John Paul Jones was more obsessed with fame than following orders. So, it is not surprising to me to see this going on now. The way they treated her though is not only rude but totally disrespectful of the office. If someone had done that to "Spartacus" Booker, it would be all over the lamestream media, and riots in the street...
Maine is FULL of liberals that she must please. Unfortunately I will never believe her vote and showmanship was nothing more than a show.
Nonetheless I am happy with her choice.
However, I predict any important votes in the near future will send her back to the dark side.
Jackass Party evil and cowardice lost for the outcome of the Kavanaugh "hearing."
The manufactured circus did, however, manage to create a distraction from the necessity of hearings exploring a judge's political and judicial philosophy and how he implements them (no concern of a Collins Pragmatist), resulting in a new justice who is not at all a clear good choice. But under the circumstances he had to be confirmed on behalf of civilization against the goons on the Democrat left and without the otherwise inevitable further delays resulting in an even worse choice.
As far as what you have stated about her, me dino never heard of her before the Kavanaugh hearing circus. Don't care to research her either at this point.
Got stuff to get ready for a Christmas party tomorrow.
Merry Christmas, by the way. Gave you +1 for a present.
Her 'speech', dramatically delivered long after others knew what the vote was about and she continued hold out in the name of "consideration" and "deliberation", contained nothing that many had not recognized and already been saying for weeks. Yet she is suddenly regarded, dropping all context, as a Republican hero for not voting with the Democrats -- this time.
Crazy people wandering the streets have not been a factor in the past for Senators making speeches in Washington. All prominent politicians receive death threats from crazies. She should have had better sense than as a US Senator to be wandering deserted streets at night -- the way normal people have the sense to stay out of dangerous dark alleys regardless of who is at fault in an attack.
None of what she did makes her "courageous" and "very intelligent". If she didn't have such a bad reputation for undermining her own party and hadn't delayed to dramatically make herself the center of attention, her "speech" would not have become such a hullabaloo. It's like lavishing praise on your dog for not killing and eating the neighborhood cat. Anyone with any common sense (including the dog) would have done the same thing without the hand-wringing histrionics, delays, and threats of siding with the Democrat goons.
BTW, the post that link led me to did not deserve a zero. Merry Christmas on that too.
Me dino is always interested in your opinions.
Note to me dino self~Think of Collins? Think Obamacare. Then think of crackers.
Collins is crackers. Collins is crackers. Collins is crackers.
There, now me dino goes back to not thinking about her any more this Christmas day.
Merry Christmas!
Remember that they did the same with the latest Obama judge -- Roberts: In his hearings he had been coached to say as little as possible. The current strategy for all of them has been to avoid meaningful discussion to avoid controversy, and otherwise 'ram it through', while the other side tries to create controversy to derail it.
They make 'pragmatic' assumptions and don't know what they are getting, then are surprised, and the public is surprised, at how it turns out later in Supreme Court decisions compared with what we had been vaguely told to expect (again, like Roberts). The losers are the American people who are denied meaningful discussion with and about the judicial nominee in the hearings and in the media, along with the consequences for the Court. Pragmatism does not work.
But there's no evidence that Republicans wanted the circus with its irrational, anti-intellectual antics and mudslinging that the Democrats created in the hearings and in the news to be as disruptive as possible. For all the Republicans' flaws, including Collins', they at least for once stood up on behalf of civilization and meant it.
Once it happened, they did politically exploit and denounce those antics to try to make them backfire in the elections as they appealed to what is left of civilized premises of the public. That helped them keep the Senate -- getting a larger majority not so dependent on Collins' 'swing votes'. So we're back to the Democrats' radical left nihilism versus Republicans accepting and managing the decline with their Pragmatist 'me too but slower' as all that is left of civilization in politics. That distinction is also illustrated by Collins herself as all that is still available from the Maine electorate (and which can be expected to further decline in that state).
Ford raised $700,000 on "GoFundMe" that the "poor" woman used to secure her home after her "testifying". according to her. She said it was a terrifying experience but I did not see/heard anything specific, she probably made it up like she did her "abuse".
And yes, FFA, Collins is a great Senator, having the guts to stand up and spell out the truth. It is not propaganda, as you say. This is the moral standing expected from all Senators but sorely missing.