G. H. W. Bush

Posted by coaldigger 6 years, 3 months ago to Culture
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Many government and private offices are closed today to memorialize Bush 41. I have read many salutes and some pretty nasty comments about him this week. I always liked him, as a man but thought his Yale education and privileged background resulted in views on society, philosophy and politics that I did not share.

I was a corporate hack in the old school tradition and he was very much like the people in our company that I dealt with every day. Our top management was drawn mostly from old, sometimes famous Pittsburgh families that went to Ivy League schools, belonged to private clubs and were consciously civil. Bush personified manners and civility. He was fair and respectful of others and wanted to make them comfortable in his presence. He was a gentleman. He liked golf but thought the game too slow if you fretted about it so he played at a feverish pace. He liked boats and dogs. No matter how much his views were different from mine, I still liked him. My current list of people like this is very short because most are dead and it is no longer a part of our culture to behave in a civil manner.

I know that we want more in a President but that doesn't mean that we should totally trash those that don't measure up because most of them haven't. I always fear that the American public and media creates an environment that anyone worthy would reject the idea of making their good life miserable by leading the rabble out of their cesspool.

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  • Posted by freedomforall 6 years, 3 months ago
    "He was fair and respectful of others and wanted to make them comfortable in his presence"
    That made it easier for him to stab a knife into their backs.
    Bush was a traitorous, looting power monger who deserved to be shot on sight by every freedom loving person.
    Thank Galt he is finally dead. May his looting family and statist comrades follow him to hell as soon as possible without any innocent bystanders as collateral damage.
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    • Posted by Dobrien 6 years, 3 months ago
      George Scherff Jr. we should dance on his grave.
      Why the name change in that Skull and Bones Family?
      He was civil .....I say exchange the ci with an E.
      Ted Bundy’s Victims found him charming as well
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  • Posted by strugatsky 6 years, 3 months ago
    I can't think of a single thing that he did as president that the country should be proud of. Can anyone name anything that he did that we can be proud of? Anything?!
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    • Posted by ZenRoy 6 years, 3 months ago
      Not really, but cant think of much of anything he did either positive or negitive other than "no new taxes" opps new taxes.
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      • Posted by strugatsky 6 years, 3 months ago
        Actually, he did lots of bad stuff. New regulations galore, expanding government, continued to destroy schools, botched up Iraq - allowed it to happen due to stupidity and stopped halfway... I can think of many bad things this anti-Semite did. Just can't think of anything good.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 6 years, 3 months ago
    Wrote this on another post~
    What me dino remembers most about Curious George is Candidate Bush repeatedly saying, "Read my lips. No new taxes."
    After Bush was elected, there were new taxes.
    Me dino saw the following on TV. Curious George was dressed up to go jogging when approached by a reporter who asked about his "Read my lips. No new taxes" slogan.
    To which Bush retorted, "Read my hips" and off a jogging Bush did go.
    What a gentleman!
    And a co-worker of mine was furious over that and said he'd never vote for Curious George again..
    Or how Slick Willie beat an incumbent.
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  • Posted by term2 6 years, 3 months ago
    This whole thing is a way to slam Trump by honoring a "do nothing" past president. I get the message, and didnt watch one second of the coverage of the MSM.

    Be interesting to see if "W" gets the same fawning. He was pretty much hated at the time, plus he lied about Iraq just to get us in there.

    Maybe Trump's dying will just not be reported at all by the MSM.
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  • Posted by Dobrien 6 years, 3 months ago
    Scherff to Bush the early years .
    This video is from 9 yrs ago.

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    • Posted by 6 years, 3 months ago
      There are many sources, available to us, produced by historians, documented by letters and interpreted by multiple chroniclers at the time that debunk the conspiracy theories of fishwives. In fact, most events in the history of mankind are pretty straightforward, the only astonishment is that we keep doing the same things over and over. Perhaps recorded history is such a short span of the totality of the human experience that we just haven't had enough time for the lessons to take effect. Mythical beings, the Illuminati , witches and cargo cults don't explain a lot about common human behavior and dancing naked in the woods the stuff of comic books.
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      • Posted by Dobrien 6 years, 3 months ago
        Ignore the historical record and call it a conspiracy theory. Some folks just don’t want to know the truth.
        He had the money and power so he made history ...his story.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 6 years, 3 months ago
    Interesting guy. He seemed decent. He was of the silver spoon class. Wasn't he the one who marveled at the grocery cashier scanner thing? Guy had never bought groceries, I guess. He was probably the first globalist president in my lifetime. Didn't get re-elected because he told a big doozy that people remembered.
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