Exposed: Citizen sees ballots being transported in private vehicles & transferred to rented truck!
here is democratic processes in action, and how you make your side win. Is it any wonder there are several states and races where "magically" the votes change and the dumbocrap is now winning? Statistically impossible, legally void, and totally illegal in its performance. No chain of custody, rented trucks, sloppy records and security devices laying around, and "poof", oh look, we won. Need to redo all these elections under military supervision, as you cannot trust the political system anymore, it is corrupt to the bone.
It is going on not only in FL but in AZ as well where Sinema is now leading McSally.
It is a well established practice on the left to "find" ballots in their favor after the election when there is a recount. They used it as far back as Kennedy when the Chicago mayor found ballots of dead people who did not vote yet. More recently Frankel was installed in the Senate when they miraculously found uncounted ballots in the trunk of a car.
But the biggest problem I see is that this happening in full view of the country and nobody does anything about it. Where is the GOP to step in? They let the House slip to the left, now their lead in the Senate will probably be the old 49 vs 51.
""Late Tuesday night, our win was projected to be around 57,000 votes," Scott told reporters. "By Wednesday morning, that lead dropped to 38,000. By Wednesday evening, it was around 30,000. This morning, it was around 21,000. Now, it is 15,000."
He continued: "On election night, Broward County said there were 634,000 votes cast. At 1 a.m. today, there were 695,700 ballots cast on election day. At 2:30 p.m. today, the number was up to 707,223 ballots cast on Election Day. And we just learned, that the number has increased to 712,840 ballots cast on Election Day. In Palm Beach County, there are 15,000 new votes found since election night.
"So, it has been over 48 hours since the polls closed and Broward and Palm Beach Counties are still finding and counting ballots – and the Supervisors – Brenda Snipes and Susan Bucher – cannot seem to say how many ballots still exist or where these ballots came from, or where they have been," Scott said."
The fact you have to fight this crap is so illustrative of the fact the programming of the education system that "you must do the right, moral thing at all costs" of the last 40 years has had an impact. That definition of "right and moral" has been exteneded to "whatever we tell you it is". That leads to the whole knee jerk reaction of all the last 2 years on any issue: race, gender, sexual orientation, immigration, etc. But when you use those concepts as weapons, instead of problems to fix, all you do is use it, cast it aside, then reuse it. That is exactly what we have seen and should, to any somewhat critical thinker, raise the serious doubts and alarm needed to not participate in it. The death of critical thinking has disarmed a lot of younger Americans to the point of the village idiot status.
Or, we can wait, watch and encourage the wheels of the American system of justice to turn.
New: Title TBD
10 Nov 2018 - 10:56:59 AM
We knew then.
We know now.
This time - we have Gov't control.
Boomerang Suicide.
Would not the DHS being tasked to take the role of the Federal election commission have had plans to closely monitor the trouble areas?Certainly they have methods not available to us.
We will see how it all shakes out. 53-47 now a Senator can have a “cold” and Trump still gets his people .
It is virtually a treasonous act.IMO
Many votes.
Listening to Rush Limbaugh and he just said the Arizona has changed to the demoncrat by 30,000 some votes.
It's Clearly: Derussiacrat collusion...
It takes a long time to know what to do when you are in the fishingnet.
“How do you catch a fish?“ Q
When 350,000 more Maricopa County residents
Voted For the Republican governor than McSally for Senator in an extremely close race something smells liberal. I think McSally will actually be the winner if DHS has done proper oversight and monitored this closely.
He goes over Trumps EO on Election interference
He thinks election fraud will come out 45 yes 45 days after the election in a required DHS report.
Dark to light. One big problem is the Dems that I know would drink Jim Jones koolaid if he was a dem running for office.
The answer and what is coming from this corruption will be voter ID. Just like buying a beer or flying on an airline or renting a canoe or cashing a check.
Voter ID will mean the end of the Democratic Party. Never stop the enemy from destroying itself.
Just ask Comrade Cackles with her hammered hard drives. .