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Normal fluctuations yet ignored by the global warming folks.
Very minor changes in the Sun have a tremendous impact on the Earth. This is common sense and every student of introductory Science should know this. Yet . . .
Whether the concept of global average surface temperature is meaningful can be disputed.
There are many notorious examples of government agencies manipulating data.
Climate has changed many times over the course of the earth;s existence, and we just have to adapt.
1) I have observed that the most important factor in keeping my own pool warm is the suns energy by far
2). The earths temperatur has fluctuated a lot in past times before we burned a lot of fossil fuels
3). Control of energy is a not to hidden agenda of collectivists
4) what happens in 2050 and beyond is past my lifetime, so why would I give up my life NOW to perhaps change something THEN
5) although it not very efficient to burn fixed resources, it’s still more efficient than the renewable sources of energy right now
bailed out tend to continue to do stupid things.
My point is that there are political forces that understand how to use science to their advantage and many scientists, my self included, were and are sufficiently naive that we become unwitting accomplices to their agendas.
AGW or ACC (anthropogenic climate change if you wish) is a horrendously complex phenomenon and may well portend a planet wide catastrophe. But as one of our politicians observed "never let a disaster go to waste". Nothing fuels a drive for political power more than a clear and present danger and a promise to deal with it. AGW can be presented as such a danger and this fact is not lost on those who see an opportunity to turn it to political advantage.
All I am saying is be careful what you wish for.