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I've never seen or heard locally about any sexual discrimination but it seems every time it's reported on the news...another demoncrap either gets off or bites the dust.
I am sure it happens, especially in hollywood, the catholic church, lamestream news organizations and politics but I don't think it's all that prevalent as the lamestream would have you believe.
I kind of wonder if that too is something the postmodern progressive liberals feel guilty about and try to pin it on everyone else.
It's true, things were not always equal, hell we all at one time, men and women were held as slaves and discriminated against...but after the enlightened modern period, a lot has changed for the better.
Consciousness and conscience could never be built in a day...it to is an evolutionary process.
You are correct, this type of discrimination exists, tho' in decline -hopefully.
It is being replaced by discrimination in favor of incompetent individuals who are identifiable as members of some fashionable group.
We probably agree, all that is wrong, but how to deal with it while recognizing property rights?
Note, when a discriminator employs someone who is not the best, the discriminator does not get the best value for money, they are going against their rational self-interest in following irrational prejudice.
That is why Kakistocracy is my favorite word these days. Governed by the worst and or least qualified in society.
I've yet to hear a story where the supposed victim did not make the choice to put up with it unless it was at the barrel of a gun, a knife or physically over powered. Maybe your story will be the first.