Stephen Hicks talks about the strategy and cognitive biases of the new left against the values of Western society
11 minute video of Steven Hicks explaining what the new left wants to destroy and their let it all burn strategy to do it.
This leads to emotional outbursts and a lack of responsibility for the violent behavior.
Fear mongering by the MSM and SJWarriors push this emotional nihilism. Brainwashing is a long term process and the target is the independent thinking individual.
The interviewer asks him to move on to people to demonize. Hicks gives an intelligent response without arguing with the interviewer's premise and still answering the question. He instead turns the question to people with the apocalyptic flood-myth fetish of a cataclysm destroying the decadent leaving behind the righteous, and Hicks rejects this.
Even after this, the interviewer asks about what could make people he demonizes so bad. Hicks says it's outside his area and goes back to recurrent myths of a righteous gods sending people to hell. He comes pretty close to saying this thought process is similar to the interviewer's.
Way to go for answering the questions while rejecting the premises yet not attacking the interviewer.