Well...this does not look good for the Dems, not good at all....especially if the Republicans actually have a copy. This will certainly require major damage control from the Dumbocraps, they will need all their screamers out on this one screaming "it doesn't matter shes a victim, a victim, he did it, he did it. Looks like she was doing a lot of it too, even with underage males, and the party with the male erotic dancer....hmmm, sure you want to testify "Chrissy"?
The events described in the letter she sent in to Congress, are more like playful teenage roughhousing, than anything criminal. I think she is highly exaggerating the interaction, in my opinion. Especially the description that there was another guy there that jumped on both of them twice and knocked all three of them apart in the process. The whole thing sounds like it was about a minute of fall down on a bed while kissing, then the jealous other guy playfully interrupts, then she yells, then they get knocked off the bed, then the whole thing ends.
Furthermore, she voluntarily went up stairs with them. Sillyness, not malicious criminal activity.
It's such a relief to finally confess that to someone, lol.
But yes, neither drugs nor alcohol should be encouraged on anyone, especially at so young an age. I imagine it must be getting harder and harder to be a teenage rebel as standards of "normalcy" plummet and "Everykid" is pressured to either gang up or get lost.
That evil agency is thoroughly Kantian, hence worse than the Spanish Inquisition which Aquinas rationalized as necessary to good order on earth as unhesitatingly as he rationalized the compatibility of the idea of a God creating good order with a this worldly science and logic corresponding to it (which implies, really, a mere personification or reification of the law of identity limited to the honorary task of "law-giver" as was Adam assigned to the honorary task of "name-giver" or scientist).
Child Protective Services forever destroyed my family, my childhood and my trust for anyone in a position of authority (Ayn Rand really had to earn it and did -- overwhelmingly).
That evil agency was thoroughly rooted in Kantian duty and presumable guilt (and I assume now, as trend-setter, is rooted in full-blown post-modernism and utterly self-negating egalitarianism under a facade of self-righteous Platonic charity perhaps).
And hence they are far worse on the culture and psychology than the Spanish Inquisition -- which Aquinas rationalized as necessary to good order on earth as unhesitatingly as he rationalized the seeming compatibility of the idea of a God creating good order with a this-worldly science and logic corresponding with it (which implies, really, a mere personification or reification of the law of identity limited to the honorary task of "law-giver," as was the pattern of Adam being assigned to the honorary task of "name-giver" of the animals, perhaps implying also a similarly pre-scientific role for Eve in naming the plants).
The mythos keeps alive in the memory by word of mouth and repetition the unprecedented neolithic epoch when the inhabited earth was transformed into a garden, a home, and the consequences of the sudden loss of innocence and confidence when moral doubts were raised, a "knowledge" of good, that it is good, and evil, that it is evil caused questions, dissensions, recriminations and expulsion to the wilds or foothills beyond "the garden."
Reverting to being a nomad was seen as expulsion, a step back or away from one's inheritance. As a species, we've been trying to get right with nature (or nature's law-giver) ever since. Today, one must "get right with Galt" or what I call "the hero in your soul," whether you are male or female (assume Dagny goes on to teach and recite the great manifesto to her children, if in simplified form or as the relevant situation arises, you can switch the gender pronouns uniformly and it still makes perfect sense (only I would insist that "man" remains "man" as the generic term for all human beings).
In a high level case such as this, the falsehood is even greater, considering the MSM's hostility toward the current administration.
Thank you for posting the yearbooks, at least what was saved of it. According to today's coverage, all four of Ford's "witnesses" said they did not know Kavanaugh and never attended the party.
Wonder what Ford will come up with at the trial where she does not want Kavanaugh be present. I never heard that an accuser wants the accused not to hear what the charges are. The whole idea of the trial is to get to the bottom of what is being claimed.
I hope the GOP will use the yearbook to shed a light on who this woman is.
See attached for an example. LOL
And up until right now this age 71 me dino thought he had finally heard of everything.
Right now, Kavanaugh is painted as a "sexual assaulter". She said he is, that is all that matters. The women must be respected for her "feelings" and sense of violation or not. Her viewpoint matters, NOT the terrible man's.
I hope that common sense prevails, aided by such yearbook postings that describe the culture of the time, but I am afraid that it won't.
He is an objective voice, and I applaud him. Despite him being a democrat, he stands up for the integrity of his profession.
According to him, a sexual assault is about penetration which did not occur in this case. What we hear is that the accuser allegedly "attempted to remove her clothes and groped".
That is not a sexual assault. How does she know that had the attacker managed to remove her clothes, he would not have recoiled and left her alone?
Just to carry this train of thoughts further.
What does incense me is that these shenanigans could eventually lead to a more skeptical public view of real cases of sexual harassment and abuse. The real victims will suffer humiliation when their stories are rebuffed, thanks to the overuse of sexual misconduct charges for political purposes.
MSM lets us hear all the dirt they dig up on Kavanaugh, but not on the "professor" The democrats would do ANYTHING to keep Trump from doing his job. Too bad. I hope the Repubs just approve Kavanaugh regardless of what the dems say.
This certainly paints a whole new light on the accusations - and the accuser. According to this, the girls were not only completely aware of what went on at these parties, but they looked forward to it. Kind of blows away any kind of implied narrative of coercion. Also seriously degrades any kind of credibility on the part of Ford.
"Finally, Kavanaugh has presented tangible evidence that the accusation doesn’t hold up."
"On Sunday, The New York Times reported that the judge has found old calendars from the period when the unproven groping allegedly took place — and they appear to support his claim that the incident didn’t happen."
But 4 witnesses have come forward, one a friend of hers and didn't happen, they were never there and neither was BK.
Yet, she has no friend to corroborate that she was even there. That is implausible.
My suggestion is the whole thing could be a stratagem to goad people into saying things like the "blushing virgin" comment, things that will sway the midterm in Democrats favor.
I do not claim to know. I've purposely avoided reading about it. Unless there is something egregious, I think Congress should just confirm all nominations and skip the political circus. They should have confirmed Garland, and they should confirm Kavanaugh. They should ignore 11th hour accusations, even if they ring true.
This is what I mean. It's gotten insane. It would be one thing if it were people calling talk radio, but we're actually delaying Supreme Court confirmations. Sometimes I think the normal people of the world are too comfortable thinking things can never fall apart. I'm concerned that all this nonsense is bleeding over into the real world.
You said a) "there's a war on" and 2) "the nuts are running the asylum." #1 is false, and #2, alarmingly, is increasingly true.
I see nothing at all of the sort. I don't know if that's good or bad. You think there's some kind of disagreement. I think we're on a vehicle on autopilot full of kids bickering. It's unclear when an emergency develops whether they'll grow up and rise to the occasion, keep on bickering, or take panicked actions that make the situation worse.