Military women

Posted by lagged 6 years, 3 months ago to Culture
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If women are the same as men, as the idiot left would have us all believe, why is it noteworthy when a military woman gets injured in a fight?

Double standard much?

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  • Posted by freedomforall 6 years, 3 months ago
    Why is this news? If this had been an incident between men the media would have properly ignored it.
    This is media propaganda.
    For at least 10 years, Hollywood has been spewing out feminist propaganda films showing women repeatedly performing physical tasks that are impossible and in particular exceed the abilities of the men in the same scenes. Women repeatedly are portrayed as superior in physical strength and mental abilities. Men are portrayed as stupid incompetents.
    This is as rational as humans being responsible for climate change. This is a fairy tale that the media expects viewers to accept as children accept the tooth fairy.
    Before our eyes, the media is changing the culture to a matriarchy without any rational connection to actual merit or abilities.
    Such irrational action will have wide spread detrimental effects to the economy.
    Imo, the political elite want men and women to be at war with each other to distract the people from the looting acts of the elite.

    The fact is that women do some things better than men and men do some things better than women. Choosing who is hired for any task should be based upon the merit of the individual, not upon gender, race, or age.
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