Heavy Metal Band Treats Depression?

Posted by mshupe 6 years, 3 months ago to Culture
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"Where there is government failure there is also a potential market solution." This should read there is always a market solution where there is government failure. This article discusses mental health, and in America, expecting schools to tackle the problem is like learning fly fishing at a yoga studio.
SOURCE URL: https://fee.org/articles/indian-band-fights-depression-with-metal-after-government-proves-incompetent/

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  • Posted by $ Abaco 6 years, 3 months ago
    That's interesting. FWIW...I'm an old rocker. I fronted a metal band until my son became disabled. Then, I hung it up. But...this stuff is very therapeutic. I explained to my son that standing on a stage, in front a drum set that you're drummer's hitting so hard it makes you dizzy, and your amp is so loud your pant legs are blowing...that's therapeutic.

    Recently, I discovered a band that I really, really like. I listen to them when I work out, and sometimes when I'm playing golf alone. They are "W.E.T.". Jeff Scott Soto on vocals. They are therapeutic, too...
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