Posted by Herb7734 6 years, 4 months ago to Entertainment
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Every day commemorates some "great" event.. Just some greater than others.As a recreation , I thought Gulchers might enjoy some of the lesser known festivities, and maybe you know a few that the rest of us would enjoy.The following are real commemoratives.

JANUARY 18 Sliced Bread Banned
On January 16, 1943. during World War II, bakers in America were ordered to quit selling sliced bread for the duration.Although this imposed a sacrifice on housewives throughout the USA , how it helped the war effort was never explained or understood.

FEBRUARY 12, 1974 The Susan B. Anthony Dollar
On this date, the Susan B. Anthony silver dollar was struck. The coin looked so much like a quarter that its intended tribute was underwhelming.

MARCH 15, Buzzard Day
The Ides of March is also Buzzard Day in Hinckley, Ohio, when tradition says buzzards or turkey vultures return to raise their young after wintering in the Great Smokey Mountains.

April 29 1894 March of the unemployed.
Coxey's Army, led by Jacob S. Coxey arrived in Washington , DC They were arrested and sentenced to 20 days in jail for walking on the grass. Coxey himself was arrested for accosting a blond lady telling her he needed her phone number because he was writing a phone book.

MAY 12 Dawn of Male Hurricanes
On this date in 1978, The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration responded to pressure from women's groups to begin naming storms after men.

June 7, 1860 Dime Novel Day
On this date the dime novel made its first appearance . Written by Mrs. Ann Stevens the tale was advertised as a dollar novel for a dime.

July 7, 1946 1st American Saint
Mother Francis Xavier Cabrini was canonized a Saint by Pope PiusXiII hus becoming the first United States Citizen to to become a saint.Thus giving forth the charitable slogan, "Another Martini for Mother Cabrini."

August 14, Social Security Day
Congress passed the old age and and unemployment benefits Act. Thus establishing the world's greatest Ponzi scheme.

September 11.Zippered Frank Day
An American meat packer announced the production of a hot dog with a zippered casing and advertised "Boil the hot dog in its zippered casingand then discard it." Causing the hot dog to be thrown away and the casing to be kept by thousands.

October 4, 1931 World's Greatest Detective Day
On this date the first "Dick Tracy" comic strip was published by the New York News. Lester Gould, author and artist of Tracy invented the two way Wrist TV before Steve Jobs was born .
November 16, Diplomacy Day
On November 16, 1933 the USA established diplomatic relations with the USSR and is still regretting it.

December 13, 1933 An American In Paris
On this date, George Gershwin's "American in Paris" had its premier performance by the New York Philharmonic. It was the first to use auto horns in symphonic music.

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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 6 years, 4 months ago
    Queen Elizabeth II

    Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts | 1992-Aug-07

    Initial Notification: At 2158, on August 7, 1992, the cruise ship Queen Elizabeth II, on her way to New York, ran aground on an uncharted mound about four miles south of Buzzards Bay Tower, Cape Cod, Maine. At the time of the incident, the winds and seas were calm and visibility was about ten nautical miles. The only damage to the ship appeared to be the breaching of two ballast tanks and one fuel tank. The fuel tank was empty, but a small sheen became visible around the ship. USCG district 1. Keyword: containment boom, endangered species, tourism losses.

    ***It was speculated at that time, that the "Uncharted Mound" was actually Ted Kennedy's Oldsmobile...(no sign of MaryJoe Kopecky)
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 6 years, 4 months ago
    Deliverance - Produced by: John Boorman Production company: Elmer Productions
    Release date: July 30, 1972:

    Deliverance was actually a prophecy that finally, 20 years later, came true in 1992 when Arkansasonian, Billy Bob Clinton was elected president.
    The eerie scene with pig squeals and sodomy to the sounds of distant dueling banjos, foretold that the corrupt Arkansas twins would soon sodomize the American People while they replay that scene in the Lincoln bedroom for profit.
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    • Posted by 6 years, 4 months ago
      Was it a river in Arkansas? It never occurred to me to be a prediction. It was written by a poet, written as a novel in poetical form. One of the scariest of horror films. There is more to being a monster than disfigurement.
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      • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 6 years, 4 months ago
        Yes...and I took it as a prophecy seeing the billybob arkansasonian twins made it into the White House...I could see billybob squealing like a pig while hiltery drills him from behind with her favorite prosthetic while their favorite dualing banjo music plays on, echoed through the arkansas woods.
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  • Posted by Dobrien 6 years, 4 months ago
    The little black book day should be celebrated! Jacob S Coxey was savvy using high tech to create a social network. Maybe the first little black book could be attributed to him.
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