I am doing a diabolical spin on this. I am buying Chinese knockoffs on a bunch of sensors so that I can afford to build my tissue engineering test bed at a tenth of the cost that those taking State Science Institute money would.
I sent this to show you yet another step down the Atlas Shrugged path. There are many Floyd Ferrises out there. The main difference between me and Quentin Daniels is that I am wealthy enough to fund my own work.
BIG Ideas? Are you kidding? I want no more Big Ideas. I want rational ideas. Sane ideas. Good, reasonable ideas. Just what have BIG IDEAS wrought us today? Stockpiles of nuclear weapons that can kill millions with the push of a couple of buttons. Computer technology that is Big Brother in everything but name. Social media that gives every idiot a platform to deride and vilify anyone and everyone regardless of their own stupidity. Genetic Engineering that is rapidly modifying us and the food we eat, and is only a small accidental escape from the laboratory from devastating all humanity. Artificial Intelligence that by the admission of some of our greatest scientists is the gravest threat to humanity ever conjured by man. No, I don’t want any more Big Ideas. I want someone to figure out how to build the social and political will to do something about controlling and limiting the world’s population time bomb. All of the world’s major problems - over crowding, scarce resources, energy resources that are being rapidly depleted, food shortages, starvation in the third world, lack of water resources, political unrest worldwide, military build-ups to defend “national interests”, Hell, even global warming if you want to include that (I’m a skeptic)- all of these things and more are the direct or indirect result of over population. To paraphrase King Edward The Longshanks, the only thing wrong with the world is that it’s full of people.
Someone should really enter a proposal for a sound experiment to produce a "Xylophone" or "Thompson Harmonizer" "to pulverize objects of any size within a very large radius." (copied wording from conservapedia.com/State_Science_Insti...
I would be curious to know if ANYbody picks up on where that came from....and for fun, the proposer could throw in the electroshock experiment, too (though I'm pretty sure that's already in use).
Just send in your mediocre crap and get funded. Company seeking to really service a need? go phuck yourself. We only fund never ending pits of crap that never find purchase, operated by university pukes. (no offense to my good friend Brenner!)
My professorship at your alma mater is a shrug job, as you know, but a very good one for hiding my development of a future company once the coast is clear for Gulchers to re-emerge. ;)
Great, the prototype is ready. I machined two 7.52 inch strips of tilia, each with a .381 mm wide and deep groove down the center of its length. In one groove I've placed a custom ground rod of crystalline allotrope, and the halves hermetically sealed together epoxymeister.
Usually before a space flight is scheduled, you would have to prove that your product can work in a simulated zero gravity environment. Can you imagine writing while skydiving? That would be the next step.
That sounds much more challenging than my tube preamp. The pc boards were delivered today, so we are assembling and testing this weekend. Maybe I'll bring one down for ear testing, jb. ;^)
Any money that I put forward that is not purely capitalistic goes toward getting equipment for my students to transform into something that helps the nanotech minor program that I run. The students benefit, but ultimately I am acting in my long term self-interest through the improvement in my own program.
I want no more Big Ideas. I want rational ideas. Sane ideas. Good, reasonable ideas.
Just what have BIG IDEAS wrought us today?
Stockpiles of nuclear weapons that can kill millions with the push of a couple of buttons.
Computer technology that is Big Brother in everything but name. Social media that gives every idiot a platform to deride and vilify anyone and everyone regardless of their own stupidity.
Genetic Engineering that is rapidly modifying us and the food we eat, and is only a small accidental escape from the laboratory from devastating all humanity.
Artificial Intelligence that by the admission of some of our greatest scientists is the gravest threat to humanity ever conjured by man.
No, I don’t want any more Big Ideas. I want someone to figure out how to build the social and political will to do something about controlling and limiting the world’s population time bomb. All of the world’s major problems - over crowding, scarce resources, energy resources that are being rapidly depleted, food shortages, starvation in the third world, lack of water resources, political unrest worldwide, military build-ups to defend “national interests”, Hell, even global warming if you want to include that (I’m a skeptic)- all of these things and more are the direct or indirect result of over population.
To paraphrase King Edward The Longshanks, the only thing wrong with the world is that it’s full of people.
I would be curious to know if ANYbody picks up on where that came from....and for fun, the proposer could throw in the electroshock experiment, too (though I'm pretty sure that's already in use).
Maybe I'll bring one down for ear testing, jb. ;^)
My tissue engineering test bed is starting to take shape.
Wish you all the luck and intentions.