Another chapter of Atlas Shrugged in CA
Posted by BCRinFremont 6 years, 5 months ago to Economics
My electricity provider (PG&E) somehow transferred my account to a “green” electricity provider that will be greener and cheaper. In fact, if I pay more, I will get even “greener” energy. The smell of something “green” had me checking up on the new provider. The entire Board of Directors is made up of local politicians; two score or so. I was given the opportunity to “opt out”, which I did. However, I will have to pay the new “green” provider for a month or two while they transition my account back to PG&E. Oh, did I mention that I will be penalized with 6 months of higher rates at P,G&E for making the switch. The reasons to “opt out” of CA keep increasing....
I paid almost twice as much as he did. So I asked to be removed which they did, thank God.
We saw it manifesting itself, layer, by layer, slowly peeling away the substance until it is obvious to everyone. They have taken a Astin-Martin and turned it into a Yugo. (Damn! I'm running out of mataphors.)
Haha...stuff is getting so deep here in Cali that I don't even mention what I know. Bad sign...
A bit off topic but still related philosophically speaking.
Here in Canada, it is looking more and more like Atlas Shrugged as well. Taxing us for our hydrocarbon usage and squandering the money on inefficient projects that create jobs.
Example: A good portion of Alberta's carbon tax is used to pay companies to hire people to change out incandescent bulbs in people's homes for leds. Frequently these people are driving full sized vans over 150 km. to change out the bulbs on one house, or maybe install a low flow shower head for free for those who signed up for the program.
The new phase has been extended to installing new refrigerators, lights, plumbing fixtures, and programmable thermostats to lower income households for free to the recipients.
I am not far above low income and have done all upgrades to my own home already and I am not eligible for any kind of rebate. Kind of frosts the shorts.
The federal government recently purchased the Kinder Morgan pipeline for 4.5 billion using taxpayer's money while at the same time proposing more carbon taxes for Canadians to pay. Tell us to decrease our oil consumption while encouraging increased sales to other countries so it can be burned elsewhere.
Something about having cake and eating it as well.
Subsidising hodgepodge solar installs for farmers and others.
Free drugs and supervised injection sites for drug addicts.
Subsidised housing.
So many other examples of misguided and corrupt socialism happening in our country.
Atlas Shrugged.
Last spring I transferred my electricity account to a hydroelectric/nuclear provider...wouldn't you know it...the delivery charge was increased!
Oh, a second thought. If any of those screeching monkeys are black, that's supposed to be proof that I'm a racist these days.
Even if I won an Emmy last night, my TV star career would now be on the chopping block..
I picture the Board Meeting of this group more like Meeting with Mouch and minions at the Bureau of Economic Planning and Natural Resources.
Who is "this group" specifically?
Wesley Mouch would not be running anything "here in the gulch."
At least I certainly hope not.
fornia. Palo Alto Book Service, for instance. I was not sure why, but then maybe California hadn't degenerated so much then.