Posted by Herb7734 6 years, 4 months ago to History
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Currently, the Left is increasingly calling for the use of force rather than negotiation. In a recent post in The Gulch, I illustrated how the forfeiture law led to violence regarding the Branch Davidian cult in Waco. The leader, David Koresh regularly left the compound and could have been arrested in the conventional manner,but by that time, the rhetoric had become quite heated. Following the federal assault, members were found to have been armed but only half as heavily as as the Texas population in general. It is also true that before the assault claims of child abuse were found to be baseless.It is speculation that the government hoped to use the Davidians as a test case to apply asset-forfeiture
laws to religious groups

The Davidians were peculiar and in some cases, their beliefs were downright repulsive. But, I fail to see why their beliefs were all that was required to justify targeting them.This type of criminal behavior by government agencies are spawned by the incitement to the use of force .in the form of paramilitary assaults against private citizens is not fiction, but a reality.

Another real-life event, that of Randy and Vicky Weaver with son Sammy moved to an isolated twenty acre property in Idaho to escape the rat race and to practice a loosely held belief in white separatism. As separatists they believe that all races should live apart. Similar beliefs are held by by some black religious cults as well. Though it is my belief that that people of such narrow views are woefully ignorant, the Constitution gives them the right to live separately if they so desire and obey the law.,

The ATF and FBI mistakenly concluded (for reasons still unclear) that Mr. Weaver was improperly informed, yet when he was not in court at the designated time, the court ordered him to be arrested and the federal agents laid siege to the Weaver property. He was wrongly indicted as a White supremacist and in August of 1992 federal agents armed with M16machine guns shot and returned fire killing 14 year old Sammy Weaver. In July of 1993an Idaho jury found Mr. Weaver innocent of murder of a U.S. Marshall. It found that you cannot kill a person just because you wear a badge.

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  • Posted by Dobrien 6 years, 4 months ago
    Janet Reno’s heavy hand at Waco is evidentiary of the storm trooper mentality the left is comfortable with. The constant lies and manipulation of the Kakistocrats leave a lot of doubt in the motives for WACO.
    Gun rights advocates, anti-government libertarians, and members of what would soon become the militia movement refused to let Waco go, seeing it as the sinister escalation of an increasingly aggressive war by the government against its own people. In self-produced documentaries like Day 51 and Waco: The Big Lie, Waco buffs made a series of startling assertions: The FBI tanks had used flamethrowers to deliberately burn down the Branch Davidians’ building. FBI snipers had fatally shot some thirty sect members as they tried to escape. Three of the four ATF agents who died in the initial raid had been killed not by Branch Davidians but by their fellow agents because, as Waco: The Big Lie implies, they had previously served on Bill Clinton’s security detail and knew too much.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 6 years, 4 months ago
    Randy Weaver was a victim of a "sting" by the ATF. One of their undercover agents coerced Weaver over a month's time to help him chop several inches off of his shotgun, supposedly so he could keep it under the seat of his truck for self protection. Weaver was then charged with creating an illegal weapon.

    The gunfire exchange started when an agent shot and killed Sammy Weaver's dog, and Sammy returned fire, wounding the agent. You forgot to mention that Vicky Weaver was also killed by an FBI sniper.

    The really sad part of this is that the 1995 bombing of the Murrah federal building in Oklahoma City was inspired by the out of control actions by federal law enforcement in the Ruby Ridge and Waco incidents.
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    • Posted by freedomforall 6 years, 4 months ago
      I think the evidence at trial showed that Weaver did not create an illegal weapon; the feds did it by modifying the weapon further after Weaver did.
      If there was any justice, the FBI and the BATF would have been disbanded after that incident. They committed murder without punishment.
      Instead they were emboldened to act in the same vein at Waco and burned nearly 100 innocent people alive.
      Janet Reno and Bill Clinton should have been burned alive on the White House lawn since they at the time they claimed to "Take Full Responsibility." Murdering Scum.
      That would have saved all the lives in Oklahoma City and Hitlery would have never had the power to be the traitor she has become.
      Nothing has been done to punish the guilty to this day.
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    • Posted by 6 years, 4 months ago
      The really sad part is that the Davidians were raided at all. Similar things have happened to Natives, blacks, Jews,various religions believing that they were actually allowed to be different. In that respect, America was not different than other nations.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 6 years, 4 months ago
    Consequences, as in Unintended Consequences by John Ross ?

    If you haven't read it, you should.
    While it is fiction, it gives the reader an excellent history of firearms laws in the USA and the agencies (BATF and FBI) who have used those laws to oppress (and in some cases murder) innocent people.
    It is a fantastic book and my 3rd favorite read after Atlas Shrugged and The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress.
    The two instances that you mention are both covered in some detail in John Ross' superb book.
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  • Posted by chad 6 years, 4 months ago
    I was living in Southern California when I first heard about the Branch Davidian Cult. It was on a TV special by a woman who had researched the story of David Koresh, a religious fanatic who had lived in southern California and moved his followers to Texas. He had developed his own theory of God and who should be in charge of 'God's Church' and developed a following who were willing to contribute to his support and listen to what he taught and practiced. In the interview (the Davidians had moved to Texas at the time) David Koresh told the newswoman that he was now teaching his people that they did not owe taxes to the government and were to keep all they earned so they would have more resources for their group and they could live and preach their philosophy. I turned to my wife and said; "He's a dead man he just doesn't know it yet!" Then the feds, ATF & FBI, got involved in what would normally be a local jurisdiction problem in order to 'protect the children' from harm. When they used mechanized assault vehicles which fired tear gas cannisters (tear gas is a crystal released by superheating the cannister and will likely cause a fire) I knew they were going to let the resulting fire burn it to the ground. They, the feds, refused to allow any fire fighting equipment approach the scene to supposedly prevent any threat to the firemen.
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  • Posted by bsmith51 6 years, 4 months ago
    Consequences: the agent-sharpshooter who shot Vicki Weaver in the face while she was holding their baby was not disciplined. I read some time ago that he was promoted, but a cursory search comes up nil.
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  • Posted by BCRinFremont 6 years, 4 months ago
    I’ve been unable to find a source for this purport that I attribute to Ayn Rand, but I think she defined terrorism as “the use of force to profess an idea that the individual targeted would not accept except under such force.” Of course, homicide or genocide is acceptable under terrorist guidelines. The Branchers in Waco were not angels, but they were destroyed by a terrorist act.
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    • Posted by 6 years, 4 months ago
      I think that the sins of Waco did not rise to the level of execution, which is pretty much what was done to them and they did to themselves.This was appropriate for a police state, but not a place that claims to be free, or life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
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      • Posted by freedomforall 6 years, 4 months ago
        Yes, they were murdered to cover up the evidence of crimes by the fed gov in the way they were attacked and to eliminate the witnesses against FBI and BATF. Conspiracy and murder in addition to the violations of Posse Comitatus and the underlying reason for the original attack - to raise more funding for BATF. Clinton and Reno should be tried and burned to death with the crisp bodies displayed on the White House lawn to warn other government employees that they are only employed to serve the people and that if they commit high crimes being put on paid leave will not be satisfactory punishment.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 6 years, 4 months ago
    "the Constitution gives them the right to live separately"
    I agree the right to be let alone is a key point to the Constitution. I suspect most Americans (probably > two thirds) strongly support the right of people with radical or wrongheaded ideas to live freely.
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    • Posted by 6 years, 4 months ago
      Freedom is one of the most misunderstood things on earth.
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      • Posted by CircuitGuy 6 years, 4 months ago
        "Freedom is one of the most misunderstood things on earth."
        I don't have a full understanding of freedom and how it relates to liberty.

        We take these things way to lightly, with overconfidence that we won't really lose liberty or freedom in a way that matters. We try to teach kids not to be overconfident about risky behavior leading to accidents, but we don't take the risk of losing liberty seriously enough IMHO.
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  • Posted by exceller 6 years, 4 months ago
    Under Bill Clinton's watch, with Janet Reno as the AG.

    Thank you for posting this info. In retrospect, it provides a perspective what strategies/tactics the left uses to falsely target groups that it deems dangerous to its rule with a potential of large scale effect.

    It was also under Clinton's watch that Reno sent out armed federal agents in a predawn raid to snatch Elian Gonzales and return him to his father who took him back to Cuba.

    The evil of the left was obvious and in full view even then.

    They became only more vicious and emboldened. Their goal obviously is to incite violence to the breaking point hoping that will yield the power they so desperately covet.

    It is a risk they will lose it for a long time to come.
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    • Posted by 6 years, 4 months ago
      We'd like to think of the American government as a beneficial entity, whereas nothing could be further from the truth. As the advise and consent of the senate illustrated in the case of Justice Kavanaugh, the government has become increasingly inimical. Instead of looking out for what is best for the people it acts only for what it perceives to be best for themselves. This was not the intent of the founders who carefully agonized over every word in order to set up a country as free for the individual as humanly possible. But, there is no perfect system and even the most carefully constructed government can be subverted.
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      • Posted by exceller 6 years, 4 months ago
        "This was not the intent of the founders who carefully agonized over every word in order to set up a country as free for the individual as humanly possible."

        I'd take issue with your comment that "there is no perfect system and even the most carefully constructed government can be subverted."

        Yes, it is subverted, under direct order by Hussein when he was still in power.

        Why can it be subverted? The GOP is cognizant of what is happening.

        Don't disappoint your supporters.
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        • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 6 years, 4 months ago
          I think the GOP has been cowardly because, until one has had their excuse when it comes to first principles, I realize, but then again...we are talking about Human Beings that have families and concerns about the consequences thereof.
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          • Posted by 6 years, 4 months ago
            I was a Trump madman who was a virtual action hero but able to act with heroic vigor. Eventually, Trump became the most formidable President in history. His ability to accomplish is almost miraculous. His ability to accomplish is better than any former President with the possible exception of George Washington.
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        • Posted by 6 years, 4 months ago
          Trump is turning the government and presidency completely around, He is a force of nature and is the most fearless man I have ever known.He must be allowed to continue along his current path.The Democrats will destroy the America as it will bring America down into socialism and destroy the only relatively free country left in the world.
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