Q - We Are The Plan
A summary of just what happened, who did it and what has gone on in the last 80 years. Short, but too the point. Illustrative of what Ayn Rand saw in government, and the greed of those who would loot it all.
SOURCE URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MRtEgdgj_XQ
There are too many places upon earth where the sun has yet to shine...forever in the shadows.
They hold up in castles and villas way off the beaten path with bank accounts in the trillions.
Scary stuff... they are the one's that started all this crap.
It's difficult to discover these things, feeling that life long (conspiracy guilt) dread to even bring that subject up for discussion, weighing the evidence and vetting the sources.
The world and our history is so twisted at times, you just don't know from which direction it is coming from.