Our Rulers' ChiCainery, by Robert Gore at Straight Line Logic
Novelists can align their stories with whatever deeper truth they’re trying to convey. Real life is seldom so neat, but the death of John McCain can neither be separated from nor understood without appreciating its symbolic elements. The mourning functionaries and hagiographic media that laid McCain to rest symbolically buried, without realizing it, the philosophy he so epitomized. Send not to know for whom the bell tolled, it tolled for what they so fervently believe.
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This is an excerpt. For the complete article, please click the above link.
Too bad those guns have been pointed the wrong way for decades.
Great article, Robert.
Methinks Nutty Nancy would giddily applaud that by clapping a hand against her upraised other.
Obamacare Barry would surely smile.
I was wrong about him. This quote from the article says a lot:
"John McCain venerated the state, of which he was a product. His grandfather and father were admirals in the navy. He was a graduate of the Naval Academy and spent his entire career working for the government. His philosophy was consistent: there are no constraints on the state."
I am happy that we are rid of him, actually. I was tired of all the nonsense about how he was a war hero.
Heroes DO something other than just willingly sit in an enemy cell and be tortured. That was just STUPID. There are plenty of heroes out there, but McCain wasnt one of them. He was successful at milking the idea that sacrifice is the highest ideal.
I turned off all news while the McCain funeral nonsense controlled it. He should have resigned from the senate when he was diagnosed with the brain cancer, and just enjoyed the rest of his life without trying to make our president's life miserable.
Trumps crime was to expose the hollow nature of McCains sacrifice and how he milked it for years. For that, McCain HATED Trump to his core.
Trump ,in that simple sentence about preferring soldiers that didnt get captured, nailed the essence of McCain.
How can one be a hero in war who has never fully recognized the threat?
Great, well thought out and written article.
They have learned to imitate our sorrow well, abet for the wrong reasons and for the wrong person. Their imitations are not flattering...it was all so fake and disgusting as if Plato himself adorned him with a golden helmet made from the wrapper of a rolo.