Reddit has banned QAnon

Posted by $ nickursis 6 years ago to Government
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Ah, the Deep State strikes back through its MSM drones to try to stop people from knowing the truth. Disguised, painted, digested and twisted, but it is a great example of the power they have and the use of all their weapons.

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  • Posted by bsmith51 6 years ago
    And when the fully indoctrinated masses too-late realize they have been duped, now having been rounded up for execution, their final cry for their meaningless lives will be, "whatever."
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 6 years ago
    Have never seen a post that advocates harassment with Qanon...maybe some off language by the Anonymous dude that frequently chimes in but that's it...little do they know, Q is revealing conspiracy's... not creating them.
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    • Posted by $ 6 years ago
      The Anonymous dude is probably their deep state "counter terrorist" wing, and they are pretty piss poor at faking it, took me about 2 minutes of one of it's videos to see how scamming they are.
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      • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 6 years ago
        Not the same "anonymous"...I agree with you on the unorganized clan of anonymous.
        Their problem is that it's not organized, each doesn't not adhere to any code of behavior and there is no information sharing...any idiot, as you observed, can be anonymous.
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        • Posted by $ 6 years ago
          I was thinking there is one who does some YT videos called that and he seems to be twisting all the things that QAnon puts out and then makes it seem Q is the problem. Only took 2 looks at his vids to see what was going on and toss it in the rubbish bin of propaganda. Thanks.
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          • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 6 years ago
            I know exactly who you are talking about...thought by now, he would have tripped over himself.

            You know...we don't know who or what this Q thing is but he/she/it has been very accurate. The background information disseminated is amazing.
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            • Posted by $ 6 years ago
              Yes, serial brain has postulated high level Trump officals and some from NSA/Military Intelligence from the depth of information, the NSA connection seems strong as they are the ones who would have all the secret stuff everyone thought was safe/lost in the Internet. But who knows....
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              • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 6 years ago
                So, in the mean time... we observe.
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                • Posted by $ 6 years ago
                  Observe and report, there are so many sheeple out there who donot even have a clue how corrupt government has become beyond stealing their taxes, increasing fees, regulations and limits on freedom, and think "thats government for you" not realizing it is a coordinated effort for a few elite who think they can rule us all. Wake as many as you can.....
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                  • Posted by $ allosaur 6 years ago
                    Those ignorant sheeple are right where our "elite betters" want most of the public to be, blissfully grazing on indoctrination to keep them contained and controlled by a virtual fenced-in pasture.
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  • Posted by Solver 6 years ago
    Wow, if Redredit took down all the debates groups about QAnon there must be something they are truly scared about. We should double the debating.
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    • Posted by $ 6 years ago
      A lot of it was more than debate, it was analysis as well as communications. The deep state has control of all major media through their wealth owners, and so they thought they could cripple the Q effort by silencing it. All they did was make it harder for them to monitor.
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