Facing $17 Billion in Fire Damages, a CEO Blames Climate Change
This is cute, do your work wrong, dont cut the trees on your lines, cause 17 Billion in damages, then say "It's climate change". Yea, you very uninformed manipulator, it is climate change, just not the one you want to use. It's called the Grand Solar Minimum, and the "wackos" who believe it, have forecasted the very changes you want to blame on man, and scam money out of the government of Kalifornia, and make the taxpayers foot your bill. Nice.
Then, hmmm, who can I blame? Global Warming, that's it. Must be. Gimme gimme gimme some money.
The biggest cause of the fires being out of control is the prevention of all fires which started over 100 years ago with the BLM, Forest Service and other unauthorized federal agencies. Pine forests had adapted to occasional fires by developing thick barks and high limbs that would not easily catch fire. The occasional fire would clear the understory allowing a regrowth and reducing the possibility of a cataclysmic hot fire. Preventing the fires or removal of any debris or dead trees so that a natural fire could occur ensured a fire that started was going to be epic and destroy the forest rather than clean it out. Blaming climate change removes the blame from those who created the conditions, add an abnormally dry year or two and the stage is set for disaster.
That mean ole' Tangerine Tornado backed out of that expensive especially for the USA Paris Accord magic act that's supposed to stop climate change from always changing.
It's a concept dinosaurs and woolly mammoths blow their noses at.
Force PG&E into bankruptcy, sell off the assets, compensate those effected, and wait for a new investor to come in and rebuild the kalifornia power infrastructure.
That's what's supposed to happen, right?
Billy, “It was climate change!”
The biggest cause of the fires being out of control is the prevention of all fires which started over 100 years ago with the BLM, Forest Service and other unauthorized federal agencies. Pine forests had adapted to occasional fires by developing thick barks and high limbs that would not easily catch fire. The occasional fire would clear the understory allowing a regrowth and reducing the possibility of a cataclysmic hot fire. Preventing the fires or removal of any debris or dead trees so that a natural fire could occur ensured a fire that started was going to be epic and destroy the forest rather than clean it out. Blaming climate change removes the blame from those who created the conditions, add an abnormally dry year or two and the stage is set for disaster.