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Then they noticed the prices going up, rent going up, gas going up, and wondered, "What the heck is happening?"
Are our people so utterly BLIND that they do not realize how these things work?
Lost nothing in the crash.
The only thing I have to worry about is...well...funny...you guys.
"Obama presidency tax"
Having been overseas for 3 years, adding the sales tax does irritate me now on every purchase. In NZ and OZ all the taxes are built in to the price, hiding the reason for price increases from customers.
What I was getting at was to do more like what this restaurant vendor did and itemize out even the obscure taxes - like the ones hotels charge for water and hospitality fees. Etc.
“We believe that the industry is overreacting,” Wade Luneburg of the MN State Council of UNITE HERE Unions told the Star Tribune this week. “Putting (minimum wage) fees on tickets and passing the cost on to consumers directly is strange at best, and creates an ‘us against them’ mentality while ordering dinner.”
Why don't these boobs just call for FREE food and be done with it. They simply cannot come to grips with the TRUTH that businesses are not in business to provide employment and wages. Businesses are in business to STAY in business. Any increase in the COST of doing business has to be borne by someone, otherwise the business goes out of business or moves away.
This business owner has the right idea, show the folks why prices go up.
The union guy? He's clueless, that's why he collects his paycheck from the clueless union members. He couldn't do anything else in life that didn't involve mooching from other folks. Typical union organizer, sorta like O.
This one restaurant's action has made all the other restaurants' hidden increases visible. Kudos!
People getting angry at a private business's fee is dumb.
So true! +1
It's too bad President Obama doesn't have a sex scandal so his critics wouldn't have to dig up comments taken out of context from *years* ago.
I understand people reacting to the gov't tax. I don't understand why they're mad at this one business owner for itemizing it out.
That's how this thread started. I said I'm glad they're getting free publicity, even though it's for something dumb.
This mantra seems more common collectively.
In this particular case it may set the business owner free from his income stream...
I have to admire his honesty, however.
I heard a follow up report and the restaurateur has claimed that he has received increased business and mostly support. Of course the MSM and internet media food fight is another story... :)
I believe in truth in advertising and billing. It is too easy for people to blame the evil capitalist for increased prices and that is the way politicians want it.
He did EXACTLY as he should have done. The people who vote for such "invisible" increases in costs should see in right in front of them on a plate.
We are here because there has been too much silence, too much going along, too much "it's only a small amount". It all counts, it's all wrong, and if we go along with it quietly we will deserve what we get.
"The evil of the world is made possible by nothing but the sanction you give it." - John Galt
no matter how you do it the cost of product in the establishment is up. therefore the easiest way to deal with it is to increase the cost of the product. when I told my secretary of this situation her immediate response since it has made the national news, not on galt's gultch was the same as mine. I am sure the greater majority of companies who have to deal with this situation did just that raise their prices without fan fare.
If the restaurant owner had held a press conference and publicized his action, I might have said tsk, tsk, tacky. But he didn't do the publicizing - he's just trying to run his business the best way he knows how, and passing on a mandated cost in a way that the diners knew why their meals cost more was informative.
You certainly don't have to answer this question here and now, but at what point, when someone has the power to destroy your livelihood [and put a number of people out of work] would YOU speak up against it? Where is your tipping point?
We are, in today's America, choosing up sides: looters, collaborators, destroyers, creators,vultures, rabble-rousers, those who feels that's something's wrong, rebels. Hey, guys, speak up if I missed somebody. Which side will you choose, and will you be able to face yourself in the mirror every day after you choose it?
That's really the same question as Who is your Hero? and why?
a minor point: Sorry, I don't understand the exchange with your secretary. Her response was the same as yours because the story had made the national news? I'm missing something there.
Who IS your hero?
It's past time to stand for something. I like Who Is Your Hero. Very good.
aiiiee! my eyes, my eyes!!!
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