NRA is in deep financial trouble and may soon 'be unable to exist'
Why doers this whole mess sound like something Ayn Rand would write? If you can't make a group illegal, stop them from fighting your attacks on peoples freedom, just accuse them of selling "illegal brand insurance" and fine them a ridiculous amount....
So the problem here is not the Federal Government doing nothing, it is the Federal Government doing "something" when it ought to have done nothing.
"Where the hell is the federal government"
Pursuing their goals of increasing the power of government and enslaving the people. Firearms in the hands of the people is the largest impediment to that government goal.
Don't expect any government to be benign or to do anything that embraces individual liberty and your level of understanding will increase.
NRA is not "too committed to 'my way or the highway'". They are not committed nearly enough.
The whole right wing needs to be purged of cowardly "cuck" groups like the NRA. And I believe the market is doing exactly that.
Full disclosure: I was an NRA member in the '80s, long enough to have voting rights. Then their EVP Harlon Carter published a piece called "Winning the War on Drugs", which showed that his group had no respect for any of the Bill of Rights except the 2nd. So I quit. I have seen no sign that they have changed that attitude.
With more than a half century under the influence of Ms Rand I would say her intent would be in opposition. However not knowing the intent of the argument, it would be presumptuous of me to project my view on your arguments intent.
As to the article, it would be my opinion that they are trying to project wishful thinking. While the NRA is a poor excuse for the protection of guns rights, they seem to be all their is. Why they need the expense of media liability insurance is beyond justification as the premium would necessarily have to be in excess of risk. It would seem the money would be better spent on a legal staff that could avert and where that is not possible, to defend.
Using Roger Stone as an example, Mueller's acquisitions cost over half a million in legal fees to defend. Most people do not have that kind of money as are punished because they can't afford the defense.
I have spent more than two decades in the study of law so my cost are but my time. I don't object to using the time as it exhilarates me. Not to mention scares the heck out of the frauds in black robes. They don't know how to handle someone that is adapt at using their system but is not bound as an officer of the court.
And again, thank you for clarifying the point.
Sec. 30. Militia and the right to bear arms.
A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed; and, as standing armies in time of peace are dangerous to liberty, they shall not be maintained, and the military shall be kept under strict subordination to, and governed by, the civil power. Nothing herein shall justify the practice of carrying concealed weapons, or prevent the General Assembly from enacting penal statutes against that practice."
Standing armies are dangerous in times of peace... that is unless under control of some unnamed civil power. Care to guess what that civil power would be?
Also would you care to comment on section 30 where to be infringed does not really mean shall not but can be portioned out.
North Carolina, home of Loretta Lynch and so many other psychopaths, is one of the most corrupt states in the union. And why not, it has more indoctrination centers than any other state.
Good luck on your endeavors, that will be a long and exhausting struggle.
Edit - typo errors.
I am an anarchist and North Carolina (and a few other states specifically) caught my profound attention by the inconsistencies of it's constitution. It becomes even more profound when one starts with the original constitution of 1776.
I applaud what you are trying to do but to me the goal of diminishing what should not even be is not a valid goal but it is a step in the right direction.
In my opinion North Carolina is a "college rich" state but all that has accomplished is to make it an ignorant state. Don't get me wrong, there are many intelligent and good people in the state but they are out-numbered and out-voiced by the ignorant.
Good luck on your endeavors and I look forward to the day that Section 30 loses that last sentence. Unfortunately that does nothing to address the one of the most egregious Sections:
Sec. 6. Separation of powers.
The legislative, executive, and supreme judicial powers of the State government shall be forever separate and distinct from each other.