Yes, Obozo was lazy, made no effort to form a consensus, felt his election was a mandate for his will, and failure to give witness to his omniscience was the sign of a dolt to him. His goal literally was to bankrupt the country.
"His goal literally was to bankrupt the country." The gov't borrowed $400 billion a year when President Obama was president for the same reason it more than doubled, on track for $1 trillion, once Republicans took over presidency and Congress. It's also the same reason individuals take on too much debt. No one is planning to go bankrupt. Another mini-crisis is coming though with the next recession. Get ready for a repeat of the 08-09 bellyaching, possibly worse because fiscal stimulus will be harder. Entrepreneurs will adjust and persevere, ignoring the bellyaching.
That's right, the fiscal insanity is no better now. Obama was working toward the demise of America and the rest of the Washington crowd doesn't think there's a problem.
The incentives are messed up. Borrowing money feels good. When the hangover occurs, it's years later and politicians can easily shift the blame, meaning they don't pay much political price for it. They get a political advantage because a crisis allows them to do things they couldn't do in boring times when things are going well.
It sure does (I had to look it up). I doubt there's much clinical similarity with the narcissistic frauds. To me they are more sociopaths, in other words liars, charmers, and asocial except when called upon to perform. Obama.
Obobo was quite the lazy person, in love with the most bizarre post modern tenants, while pretending to be conscious with a moral compass all the while hiding his most perverted characteristics and intentions.
"liars, charmers, and asocial except when called upon to perform"...++++++1 or more if I could.
He's still a fraud when it comes to any understanding of economics, international trade, the primacy of natural law imbedded in our founding, etc. He is a staitst with no regard for the individual. I saw an interview he did while running for president the first time. He was just as clueless as Alexandria Sanchez. He identifies with despots for chrissakes.
BO may be a “great” Marxist, like his father, Vladimir Lenin, Karl Marx. Propose the Social Utopia. Never show the results. Nothing really “great” about that.
It wasn’t long ago when those in charge were convinced that gang members and other miscreants were where they were because of a lack of self esteem. The research into the topic showed exactly the opposite. They had such high self-esteem that it made them narcissistic and dangerous.
The term "self-esteem" has varying uses. Among Objectivists it refers to an honest sense of one's own worth, especially worth to oneself. In common use it can mean self-conceit. It can also mean a sense of self-worth gained from the approval of others.
That third meaning is known among Objectivists as "pseudo self-esteem" and it's a valuable currency in politics and the "soft" sciences. "You endorse my lies, and I'll endorse yours. Tell me I'm a good person so I can feel that I am."
The fur on the back of my neck went up years ago when I first heard educators talking about the need for students to have high self-esteem. "They can't be using the Objectivist meaning, even if they quote Nathaniel Branden."
This world is a strange one, a paradigm of sorts where those conscious and creating values never before existing are subjugated by those not conscious whom have created no value at all.
Yes, they don't pay a political price because they don't tax voters. The shift away from the gold standard to central banking and government monopoly fiat currency allowed them to finance WWI, prolong it for years, and kill millions. For what? Europe destroyed, Pres. Wilson gets 1919 Nobel Peace prize, Keynes writes introduction to Hitlers economic plan, and recessions multiply.
Immune? Immune from what? In the jolly world of bacteria and viruses, what happens when a new drug or device makes a person immune to the bug? The bug mutates to a stronger version of itself thus making a newer version far more deadly than the original.Rivalry among human antagonists seems to be mimicked by germs.
"A mighty creature is the germ, Though smaller than a pachyderm, You may find its place Deep within the human race. Its foolish pride, It often pleases, By giving people strange diseases. Do you dear reader feel infirm? You probably contain a germ." ----- Ogden Nash
The gov't borrowed $400 billion a year when President Obama was president for the same reason it more than doubled, on track for $1 trillion, once Republicans took over presidency and Congress. It's also the same reason individuals take on too much debt. No one is planning to go bankrupt. Another mini-crisis is coming though with the next recession. Get ready for a repeat of the 08-09 bellyaching, possibly worse because fiscal stimulus will be harder. Entrepreneurs will adjust and persevere, ignoring the bellyaching.
"liars, charmers, and asocial except when called upon to perform"...++++++1 or more if I could.
That third meaning is known among Objectivists as "pseudo self-esteem" and it's a valuable currency in politics and the "soft" sciences. "You endorse my lies, and I'll endorse yours. Tell me I'm a good person so I can feel that I am."
The fur on the back of my neck went up years ago when I first heard educators talking about the need for students to have high self-esteem. "They can't be using the Objectivist meaning, even if they quote Nathaniel Branden."
Same term, various distinct meanings.
"A mighty creature is the germ,
Though smaller than a pachyderm,
You may find its place
Deep within the human race.
Its foolish pride,
It often pleases,
By giving people strange diseases.
Do you dear reader feel infirm?
You probably contain a germ."
----- Ogden Nash