“I Can’t STAND Your Lies Anymore!”, Trey Gowdy Took Strzok To The SHED In A Huge Way Over His Texts
I still like and appreciate Trey Gowdy, and his clear cut no nonsense approach. He nailed this pretty good.
SOURCE URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1IYx-NHvWg
He was in protective custody because general population inmates would kill him.
Why do I remember him today? He was always regarding corrections officer with the same expression Strzok wore at that Congressional hearing.
It was like he was always thinking how dare you tell special wonderful me what to do.
That includes death row until the appointed time of their execution and these days that's not even supposed to hurt.
Up until about the 1930s. that baby raping scumbag I was legally bound to protect would have likely been dragged out of jail and lynched in my Alabama part of the world.
Of course, the Democrats are proving their mettle again, as they did with Cigar Bill, and making even the GOP deep staters look good by comparison.
If China and Russia are going to team up against us, I am absolutely glad that neither Hildebeast or NObama are doing the negotiating. NObama would cave as the pu $$y he is. Hildebeast would sell 'em more uranium. At least Trump will stand and fight.
I'm off on the hunt down the rabbit hole. yippee!!
Stay clear Herb you are witnessing a battle between cognative dissonance and reason.
Twain said "Never argue with stupid they will bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.
No, I didin't have any bias"
But you posted really, really bad things
"That doesn't mean I am biased..
Ongoing education campaign by several politicians ...
I do care that he not become the sacrifice, the fall guy that goes to jail instead of the others guilty of numerous crimes against the people of America.
So get on with the interrogation (in Guantanamo as an enemy combatant if necessary to get the truth.)
What ever happened to street justice in this country? My question is not a threat, but the actions of these kinds of people, against everything this country is supposed to represent, and the outcome of these hearings is going to take us back to those days. When such obvious political criminal acts (mostly) by the democrats, the liberals, and the left, are totally ignored, and then prosecutions for made up and whimsical accusations are pursued against the conservatives, the right, something eventually has to give.
The tide is turning against them. Imagine the fits
When the nov mid term is over and a tsunami of
red washes over them.
On the other hand, people who work as investigators for the FBI must by definition be unbiased and not allow any opinion to interfere with their actions in the investigations required of them.
By the emails in evidence, Strzok admitted to actions that were biased for Hitlery and against Trump and he was responsible for crucial investigations into both Hitlery and Trump. His guilt of treason against the people of the United States is overwhelming based upon the evidence.
I believe that Mr. Kavanaugh can and will be as fair and honest to the law as anyone can be.
That frightens the left/communistic/socialistic dummycrats. They may have to live within the law rather than their "vision" of what the world should be.
Guess I'll go try to figure out the Q puzzle.
It looks to me that the left thinks they have nothing to lose by being obnoxious since they have already lost. It is a death spiral for them.
She found her right environment.