House GOP moves to impeach Rosenstein
So one has to wonder, is Trey doing something stupid to stay under the radar and be seen as a pawn the RINOs casn manipulate or is he really one of them. Statements like "Impeachment is a punishment, it's not a remedy," House Oversight and Government Reform Chairman Trey Gowdy said shortly before Meadows introduced the resolution. "If you are looking for documents, then you want compliance, and you want whatever moves you toward compliance." seem to indicate he is trying to protect the Deep States attempts at obfuscation, and RINO Ryans lack of effort is just as expected. One has to wonder at something where the FBI and DOJ has lied and obfuscated for 2 years on producing anything related to Hillary, such as the emails, records, servers etc, that they essentially gave them the finger, constitutes "Republican leaders, however, have said in recent weeks that they are satisfied with the Justice Department's progress. Gowdy said after the meeting that he was pleased with the department's efforts. House Speaker Paul Ryan has also said he is satisfied with progress on the document production.". RINO's indeed. How much money is therein this mess, one has to wonder....
Oh, you mean a legitimate business that actually turns a profit and isn't politically motivated. Right. ;)
For example I might read a news article. As soon as u see a negative thing about trump, I don’t read further because I am 90% sure the purpose of whatever they are saying is just designed to turn the reader against trump, and us probably untrue
I don’t know exactly why they have this hatred, but I see it every day and makes me very suspicious
I see a real civil war brewing, with the working people supporting trump, and the left even supporting violence (good ol Maxine). I have also stopped associating with people who I find out voted for Hillary and I wish they all would wear armbands so I don’t have to waste time asking them if they voted for her.
Hillary was indeed a bad candidate. She didn’t know how to effectively hide her evil nature. In the quiet and anonymity of the voting booth, enough people felt that evil nature and voted against her
2018 is another chance for people to quietly support the people who will help trump. They won’t show up in polls cause they don’t want to blackballed by the violent left.
If trump gets support this midterm he has a shot at 2020. If not, the establishment won
"I don’t know exactly why they have this hatred, but I see it every day and makes me very suspicious" They have it because their agenda is 180 degrees out of the mainstream american idea of independence and freedom, they want one world government with total control, so he is their most dire enemy.
"I see a real civil war brewing, with the working people supporting trump" It has been in motion for the last 60 years, it is now becoming a "hot war" vice the cold war of slow sneaking, creeping into power, and taking over slowly. They outed themselves in Obamas administration when we saw the repeated blatant lies and abuses, manipulation and use of government to bend things their way. Hillary was the breaking point for most people, and now the sides are being defined and drawn.
Certain comments by liberals I remember When Hillary made the comment about deplorables It came from thedepths of her evil heart .(for once !). Another was Robert diniro saying he would like to punch trump in the nose. That wasn’t just a political reaction. It was personal and violent and from the heart also.
Things like the casting couch- have sex with me if you really want a movie career.
Interesting that the liberal men turned out to be the biggest offenders . Weinstein offers starlets a career if they sleep with him- and they take the consensual deal and now want their cake and eat it too.
The point I am raising is that political correctness designed to protect a victim’s feelings (no matter how irrational) also applies to liberals also. It’s a chink in the armor of the liberal movement that can be exploited
To defeat a liberal , point out how THEY have hurt people’s emotions, like the tv and movie moguls- even 10-20 years earlier. Use the liberal’s sanctity of emotion against them
I haven’t developed this idea out very concisely, but when liberals decry a cinservative’s anti illegal immigration actions, one could turn that around on liberals by pointing out how the poor refugees aren’t being taken care of enough by the liberals so as to ease their emotional strains even after they get here.
If the liberal government is supposed to be in the business of guarding against emotional distress, it’s dojng a terrible job. How terrible it is for the poor to be dependent on the crumbs of welfare and have to endure the strains of working. Take the liberal philosophy to the extreme where everyone is a victim and left with painful feelings by the liberal policies the very liberall but inadequate policies.
The goal of elimination of emotional pain and upset as a political goal is like a rabbit chasing its tail and leads to more pain for everyone
While we want to think that if you pick one out and flog & beat him, suddenly the rest will snap in line - in reality, for government, passive-aggressiveness prevails, so the rest would "rebel". in my opinion, f-it, burn it down, but he's being realistic about it.
That being said, Rosenstein needs to be removed from office, most honorable people would resign if they are dragged through the mud in every publication - but he's also a hero to the libs, so he's holding out- thinking if he survives Trump the next dem might make him AG or whatever.
Would I be upset if someone shot Rosenstein or Muller, Schumer, Pelosi, Maxine Waters, and the like ? They wouldnt last very long in a schoolyard without getting taught a lesson (which I guess they never had)
Are you talking about Rosey or POTUS?
POTUS enjoys the fight, and certainly doesn’t remain quiet. He has a fan-following for not putting up with MSM’s fabrications and distortions.
All you have to do is watch the contrast between financial reporting on FoxBusiness, Yahoo Finance, etc.. on how fantastic the economy is doing- No mention, at all, on MSM news - they pull out one thread of some bad news somewhere to poster-up for their 30 minute broadcast.
If you recall, Trump got the VA Secretary legislative power through Congress to “fire” someone.
In California, if a union government employee wants to be 'gone' all day to do precinct-walks for democrat candidates, honestly, I don't think there would be any management challenge. If the same person were to be 'gone' to help a Republican candidate - they better use paid-vacation time or would be terminated as AWOL - specifically to get rid of that evil conservative in their midst...
As bad as she is, I have a greater visceral reaction toward socialists like Bernie or the New York one. I swore an oath to defend the Constitution from socialists and communists, I have no interest in letting that hell take root here. 100 million... that's how many socialism murdered in the 20th century. It sounds great until you run out of other people's money and you have chased away all the producers in society.
What these two are talking about is "Medicaid for All".. you know.. the stuff with a $16 limit for an office visit, and a suitably-bottom priority for doctors and by law "shall" recover its expenses by taking all of your assets if you die. The UK is seriously looking at shit-canning their national health care and anyone with "means" in Canada has private insurance and doesn't use theirs.
The other straight-out lie: "The tax cut would have paid for free college education"..,. Umm... the tax plan is calculated in a 10-year term, like all federal budgets. These two liars (although an ignorant dumb-shit in the case of Ocasio-Cortez) conveniently do not mention that the "free college" estimate is only for ONE YEAR... compared to 10 years of tax cuts (now fueling 4.1% growth). Each 1% of growth, by the way, is another $1 trillion of economic activity every year and another 1 or 2 million jobs. If this math is so important without worrying about a slippery slope, San Francisco spends around $100 million a year on homeless programs for under 10,000 homeless people. Hell, just give them all a check and they won't be poor anymore and you can fire the social workers.
I don't see the 'angst' over healthcare and education costs. Education goes up in lockstep with increases in the student loan limits, stop increasing the student loan limits and universities will figure it out like anyone else. If you are building a $550k house, but you only get an appraisal for $520k, the homebuilder doesn't walk away - what the hell are they going to do with their capacity they don't use? They sell it. So will universities. The military is also a great funding source, it helped with both of my bachelor's degrees and my MBA. Works fine, I highly recommend it.
Healthcare is only expensive if you don't have a decent income, fix the income side and it becomes a non-issue. You fix the income with strong growth instead of 20 years of stagnant, what happened was inflation and the Rule of 20 with zero income increase. Fix that, and health care and housing and education look like a 50% cut.
There is one thing for certain, it's a little hard to live in America and raise a family while working at McDonalds or Walmart. Newsflash, it was hard to raise a family while working at Kmart or McDonald's when I was a kid - that's why my entire teenager paycheck from Kmart went to buy gas, insurance, and make the car payment on my 10-year-old Mustang. Mom & Dad covered the rest... that's kind of how it works. Don't like it? If you can fog a mirror, you can get a student loan. Figure it out. It sucked, that's why I joined the military, to make a better life for myself. It's really, really sickening listening to the lazy snowflakes cry about life like their the first generation to have any headwinds. 5,000 ways to fix that, it's called "put down the cell phone, pick one, and stop crying".
Much better than Medicare. And would bk the govt much quicker
Known beforehand?
Think logically.
Could Sessions publicly challenge [RR] w/o creating a dilemma?
What events would immediately transpire if Sessions challenged [RR]?
Would it immediately demonstrate that Sessions must be aware of key Mueller facts?
Facts (or failure of duty) that he cannot possibly ‘know’ if recused?
Facts (a case) he is suppose to be recused from?
Think logically.
One challenge to [RR] would immediately trigger attacks to remove Sessions given his clear involvement in receiving information re: a case he is fully recused from.
Who does Huber [directly] report to?
Is it normal [RR] is side-stepped re: Huber CoC?
Why is this important?
Why did Sessions recuse?
Is the LEFT attacking Sessions?
What advantage(s) exist based on this setup?
POTUS publicly expresses his anger re: his recusal?
Do you believe POTUS would allow a complete takeover of his DOJ if nothing was being done behind the scenes to hold people accountable?
When POTUS states “the swamp is being drained” do you believe it?
When POTUS states “it’s happening” do you believe it?
Do you believe POTUS would allow Sessions & [RR] to run HIS DOJ if something wasn’t being done to his liking?
Clickbait derails logical thought.
Think for yourself.
Trust yourself.
Mueller investigating POTUS’ Tweets for obstruction?
You have a front row seat.
Enjoy the show.
To add: future proves past
POTUS Controls Paul Ryan
12 Jun 2018 - 10:09:05 PM
12 Jun 2018 - 10:03:42 PM
Just a reply to Q from last thread about Ingraham interview; It was an awful interview. Once again, weak, ineffectual, limp wristed promises to hold a vote, to hold Rosenstein in contempt. Who. Cares?
Until Rosenstein is hauled off by the House Sergeant At Arms, as granted per the Supreme Court, it means NOTHING. Anyone remember Holder? Nothing happened to him. Nothing. This pisses me off to no end. Just close the fist and crush them already. What the hell is Trump waiting for?!
Full weight of the House v. ARM.
Why are optics important?
How does DC work?
The house and senate leadership sucks and is worthless. Ryan should have just left the day he quit. I thought the house and senate voted to pass things. what do they need a "leader" for. Congressmen are big boys and should be able to figure out what their constituents want and vote accordingly without a "leader".
Could you get rid of the Whip positions? Minority Leader? etc. Those I think you could get rid of and quash some of the gate-keeping that goes on. And I'm totally in favor of banning by Constitutional fiat the current requirements that put party fundraising requirements on Committee Leadership positions. That's a load of garbage.
I had high hopes for Congressman Ryan when he was the primary one bucking Obamacare. I thought he was an excellent choice as VP running mate with Mitt Romney. I have watched his fall into the quagmire of the swamp with much disappointment. He certainly isn't the same Paul Ryan I once cheered for.
He resigned because that choice was better than face criminal charges.
The massive and growing list of resignations is over 3600 polititions and executives.
The hate Trump because he will take them on and win.
Censor CNN and exclude their reporters. That might cause all the news agencies to rebel and to not go to press briefings. So What really.
There is TV, YouTube, Twitter that would all be happy to broadcast what the President of the USA has to say.
You can not ignore the laws to correct it. The media is imploding . Again the censorship is anti freedom, anti free speech and is a leftist tactic.
You tube and Twitter are censoring conservatives.
Think logically.
The problem is that I didnt see an intellectual basis for trump support, so it might be hard for him to continue to win support. He makes me feel good like he understands and is one of us, but he doesn’t really talk about rights and the evils of government monopolies in terms of principles
Also, there is a law on the books that curtails the ability of the President to fire members of the bureaucracy unless they are appointed by the President and subject to confirmation hearings in the Senate. I don't know where Rosenstein sits there because my understanding is that he got the seat because someone else stepped down - not because he was appointed to fill it. Thus that one is kind of murky. Any clarification would be appreciated.
All that technicality aside, I agree with you and would happy join you with broom and dust pan. I'd lose over half the Senate, over half of the House, and 80% or more of the Federal bureaucracy... And it would all come back after the next election. :( Sigh.
Actually, no - it becomes strictly a trophy. It is only the opportunity to retain one's office that gives them any sense of responsibility to the voters in the first place. I have to seriously disagree with you on this.
I think one thing that would dramatically help would be the repeal of the Seventeenth Amendment and the re-establishment of the Senate as a representative body for the States.
In fact, having the congress pass no laws at all would be a big improvement over the past 110 years of unconstitutional laws.
How about an amendment placing a 2 year sunset rule on all legislation including all existing legislation, and a requirement for all reps to have read every bill and to pass a multiple choice quiz on its meaning before voting- with public record of the test questions and answers of every congressperson. (I suspect that would probably eliminate most congress critters and then very little would be passed. It would probably also be despised as a racist measure.)
This is very similar to a measure I would advocate: that contributions to political candidates (or political action committees) be restricted to those residing within and eligible to vote in that candidate's electoral precinct. I don't like the idea of hard dollar amounts simply because compensating becomes a game like the current annual 4% increases in the budget being considered the "baseline".
"In fact, having the congress pass no laws at all would be a big improvement over the past 110 years of unconstitutional laws."
You're not wrong there and the Founders certainly agreed. They intentionally created a Legislative process that was to be deliberate and thoughtful and not easily persuaded by the mob. This was severely undermined by the Seventeenth Amendment IMHO.
"How about an amendment placing a 2 year sunset rule on all legislation including all existing legislation"
Very similar to my version of a Constitutional Amendment: no spending may be authorized beyond the current term of the House. Additionally, a second Constitutional Amendment would limit the authorized spending of the Federal Government (including debt service) to the actual tax receipts collected two years prior. That would not only mean the ongoing spending programs (like entitlements) would be difficult to keep going but there would be a hard limit on the spending as well.
"and a requirement for all reps to have read every bill"
There's a very simple remedy for this used in my State which is very effective: before any Bill may be brought up for a vote it must be read out loud before a Quorum in its entirety. Say goodbye to these omnibus bills or bureaucratic disasters like the misnamed Affordable Care Act!
Note that Trump's lawyer said he would permit an interview with Mueller on any subject EXCEPT OBSTRUCTION. That seems to be the only one having criminal penalties for Trump.
These people will finagle through the next months or even years without being removed. Trump can do only that much. Against the consistent opposition it is a miracle he progressed this far.