Only those who perceive themselves as our entitled socialist royalty betters believe they somehow get a pass for making political hay off such blatant hypocrisy. The dumbed down indoctrinated sheeple, here in th USA bouncing in a starstruck parade behind these dream-spinning pied pipers, are more than happy to give them that pass. It's the always the all the more enriched elite who with their armed security remain comfy on top when their spun dreams morph into nightmares for all the oft disarmed little people. Just ask Venezuela. Oh, and the me dino word for today is PREDATION.
Spot on, Dino. The Socialist motto..."Do as I say, not as I do." The sheeple can't see this. I guess that they want to exist in the cote while the elites live an opulent life style in beautiful homes.
Why am me dino thinking of Kim Jong Un, the only fat person I've ever seen in North Korea? Oh, yeah, I know! Me dino recently read that his hungry soldiers, the pigeons with all the guns who could kill him, often raid the farms of their own comrade peasants for lack of enough food in the mess hall. Back in 1970 when me a Marine caught mess duty, unbelievable was the amount of food that was dumped after each chow call. Word for today is~ Me ain't done heerd thet thar word down heah in the Deep South.
Among my best memories at Pensacola's Aviation Officer Candidate School was in the chow hall, witnessing a drill instructor march his first-week class (Poopies) in and screaming at them to pile their plates high because they needed energy. Once they got seated, he barked that anything that was on their plates in 2 minutes would go into their green flight suit pockets. Watching the entire class stuffing their pockets with pork chops and gravy was among the funniest things I've ever seen.
Well, y'all, I didn't realize that there were so many meanings for "cote." I use the word to refer to a small enclosure for animals especially sheeple. It's a good word, although "pen" will do nicely.
What they actually want is to enslave (and thereby eliminate competition from) those who are superior in many ways, including ethics. They are shameless lying thieves, and in the near future a number of them will be spending a long time living in a federal prison.
Those at the top for sure. People like Sanders and Mad Max see it as a way to live with the trappings Of wealth with out having to produce. They know they are controlled by the puppet masters. The will lie and steal with no regard for fairness and zero compassion to their victims. The swamp will refill immediately if the the top of the Cabal doesn't have its head cut off.
Now I understand why they worship lucifer/evil. They do specifically because there are no rights or wrongs...anything goes, kill, maim, rape,'s all good and it aligns perfectly with their psychopathic super egos., (imitation consciences)
They sure aren’t into live and let live. They’re way to narcissistic. Way to envious. Way to much samethink. Way to much sacrificing, of others. That’s it! It’s a bloody cult that requires human sacrifice!
Several years ago I worked with a guy who escaped Vietnam soon after we gave up the battle there. He escaped on a boat, without his family, at the age of 12. A couple times he told me the story, with a glint in his eye, about how his father was a hard-working professional in So. Vietnam. They had a family with 3 kids, a nice house with a courtyard and fountain. Then, the communists came in and put is family in a 1-room shack. They'd come by and if the family had more shoes than feet, they'd take shoes away. Slept on a dirty, wood floor, etc... After hearing the story a couple times I stopped him and said, "Hey, wait a minute. What happened to your nice home with the fountain and courtyard?" He said, matter of fact, "Oh, the Communists moved into it." I'll always remember that conversation. This reminds me of it, so I thought I'd share...
You could do this story on any of the socialist preaching capitalist living "representatives". What they really want is to protect with law their ability to earn and be superior while plundering those they 'represent' and making the victims feel good about it.
Kind of like homosexuality...laughing; Governments shoving up your (you know what) and Making you like it!!! Squeal baby squeal like a good little piggy!
There is nothing new about socialist/communist elite being rich.
Check out the lifestyle of party bosses and their entourage in former communist countries. While people were relegated to live at poverty level, these potentates had Swiss bank accounts and access to goods ordinary citizens did not even hear of.
Most of this largesse came from embezzling public funds and it was taken for granted that once someone became part of the inner circle, riches followed.
They cling to Socialist title as they want to be the entitled socialists live with the best and have power. They do not want that for the majority of their constituents, however, as they know that equality is not possible. Capitalists on the other hand want success for anyone willing to work for it. They do not desire to control, but to engage in trade. These folks bbenefitted, not from capitalism, but through crony capitalism, and that is the worst. and most dishonest. Controlled capitalism, which is what the oligarchs want, is not capitalism, and not good for anyone.
I admire ONE thing about this 28 year old, and Maxine Waters- They are honest and upfront, so we can see right off what they are up to. I think the democrats put the chains on old maxine last week, because they want to keep their message of hatred QUIET, lest it change voters minds...
I kind of liked Trump's name for her Low IQ Maxine. She is so far out there, but t least honest. I dont think she would resign, but they might muzzle her (unfortunately).
Some are calling her: Mad Maxine, yep an honest lunatic and as for the muzzle...gorilla tape works well...(No Puns intended)...she does have a big mouth...need something stronger that plain ole duck tape. Besides, I figured the "Ducks" would get offended!
I'm sure FOX would be thrilled to put Maxine on with Tucker Carlson -- I doubt Maxine will willingly go anywhere that isn't going to fawn all over her 'courage'.
They would have to assure her that she would be allowed to espouse her views without negative comments from the FOX people. Just let her talk until the grave she digs for herself implodes. She talks way too much for her own good, but it would help voters to decide against democrats.
I am beginning to think that socialists are EVIL down to the core. They want to enslave others to give them a good life, and thats the long and short of it. They use emotional manipulation, have 100% ulterior motives, and use PC to shut people up who are against them. I wish they would just wear armbands announcing their socialist leanings openly so we avoid having to analyze their "arguments" and can just conclude what their real agenda is quickly.
Socialists flip-flop a lot. Sometimes they are for freedom. Sometimes they are against freedom. Sometimes they are for free speech. Sometimes they are against free speech. Sometimes they’re overly emotional. Sometimes they see a hint of reason. But their primary urges are wanting the unearned and wanting power over others.
What they are after is a homogeneous society made up of brainwashed and controlled masses. It used to be the "proletariat" or more precisely the "lumpen proletariat", in the times of Marx and Engels.
Why do you think Stalin exterminated millions who did not fit the description or why China established "outer areas" in Mongolia where they sent those who were not willing to conform or simply had a different mindset.
This is the direction globalists are going now. Former Marxists realized that communism is no longer passé, so they found globalism which lends itself nicely into the same philosophical class.
Never forget: the elites preach the "advantages" of it but they mean the masses and they control of their lives. They are exempt. A good example is ACA which was supposed to apply to everyone except Congress.
What we are seeing happened 3000 years ago when people abandon moral principles and embraced this, "do what feels good" mantra, worshiped Baal and began sacrificing babies on Baals alter...they lost everything and they were taken as slaves to build a tower. We know how that worked out...
Being in the oligarchy in socialism allows more power, than earning money does.
Manipulating people to get to the top, and then oppressing all the willing lemmings, while maintaining their endorsement by flogging the few contributors is so much fun...until it is over.
Rand described this perfectly in AS. I was thinking of the dust-up surrounding the nationalization of the last assets of D'Anconia Copper SA. Of course Francisco fooled them all, but before then, the antics of Senores Gonzalez, Ramirez, et al. were as disgusting as anything this article claims.
In capitalist society, one can get rich finding their voice to stir the pot of envy and other negative human emotions. Carnival barkers, that's all they are.
To get rich doing this requires that society is rife with addled, stupid people. That, my friend, is the new America in a nutshell. Can we stop the transformation in that direction? I don't think so.
Yes, when I first came to the site it said it was hidden due to low ranking. It seems to be coming up now though. This is the second occasion I've seen this recently and in neither instances do I see anything with the post.
The dumbed down indoctrinated sheeple, here in th USA bouncing in a starstruck parade behind these dream-spinning pied pipers, are more than happy to give them that pass.
It's the always the all the more enriched elite who with their armed security remain comfy on top when their spun dreams morph into nightmares for all the oft disarmed little people.
Just ask Venezuela.
Oh, and the me dino word for today is PREDATION.
The Socialist motto..."Do as I say, not as I do."
The sheeple can't see this. I guess that they want to exist in the cote while the elites live an opulent life style in beautiful homes.
Oh, yeah, I know! Me dino recently read that his hungry soldiers, the pigeons with all the guns who could kill him, often raid the farms of their own comrade peasants for lack of enough food in the mess hall.
Back in 1970 when me a Marine caught mess duty, unbelievable was the amount of food that was dumped after each chow call.
Word for today is~
Me ain't done heerd thet thar word down heah in the Deep South.
Once they got seated, he barked that anything that was on their plates in 2 minutes would go into their green flight suit pockets. Watching the entire class stuffing their pockets with pork chops and gravy was among the funniest things I've ever seen.
They are shameless lying thieves, and in the near future a number of them will be spending a long time living in a federal prison.
Of wealth with out having to produce. They know they are controlled by the puppet masters. The will lie and steal with no regard for fairness and zero compassion to their victims. The swamp will refill immediately if the the top of the Cabal doesn't have its head cut off.
Squeal baby squeal like a good little piggy!
sick bastards...
Check out the lifestyle of party bosses and their entourage in former communist countries. While people were relegated to live at poverty level, these potentates had Swiss bank accounts and access to goods ordinary citizens did not even hear of.
Most of this largesse came from embezzling public funds and it was taken for granted that once someone became part of the inner circle, riches followed.
Besides, I figured the "Ducks" would get offended!
What they are after is a homogeneous society made up of brainwashed and controlled masses. It used to be the "proletariat" or more precisely the "lumpen proletariat", in the times of Marx and Engels.
Why do you think Stalin exterminated millions who did not fit the description or why China established "outer areas" in Mongolia where they sent those who were not willing to conform or simply had a different mindset.
This is the direction globalists are going now. Former Marxists realized that communism is no longer passé, so they found globalism which lends itself nicely into the same philosophical class.
Never forget: the elites preach the "advantages" of it but they mean the masses and they control of their lives. They are exempt. A good example is ACA which was supposed to apply to everyone except Congress.
We know how that worked out...
Manipulating people to get to the top, and then oppressing all the willing lemmings, while maintaining their endorsement by flogging the few contributors is so much fun...until it is over.
"Manipulating. . . .etc" is exactly what psychopaths do...
I hope you and Linda enjoy the fourth.