Ayn, Atlas, and Adonai

Posted by miketty 12 years ago to Philosophy
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A few thoughts on why Christians can be pro-God and pro-Ayn without being hypocritical.
SOURCE URL: http://even-if-not.blogspot.com.es/2013/01/ayn-atlas-and-adonai.html

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  • Posted by UncommonSense 12 years ago
    I thought the article are great in describing the issues at hand between Objectivism and Christianity, and totally agree with the "all or nothing" or "baby and the bathwater" mindset on agreeing to any idea or philosophy ~ you don't have to be 100% on anything to support someone's views.

    My only issue was the example that handicapped people "WILL NOT" take care of themselves. Unless they are paralyzed from the neck down and cannot even breathe without the aid of a machine, ok, duh, I get it. But, most handicapped people (e.g., paraplegics) can take care of themselves, obviously in a limited capacity (depending on the handicap) and still can be a part of a productive society.

    It's the couch-loving, foul-mouthed, lazy ass, with the 'you owe me' mentality who WILLINGLY REFUSES TO WORK that I, as a Christian WILL NOT support. PERIOD! If the State fails (and they will) and these people are hungry, starving and are looking for a handout, my message to them is "HEY, you can work...get up off your duff and EARN IT." My responsibility as a Christian may be to provide an OPPORTUNITY to earn their way, but I WILL NOT spoon-feed them.

    I couldn't care less if others view my stance on WILLFUL laziness as 'un-Christian'. Offended? Tough! God's love is tough, and so is mine.
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