Teachers Union Head Throws Down to Opponents of Common Core: ‘You Sick People Need to Deal With Us’
Posted by Fountainhead24 10 years, 6 months ago to Education
That being said, can we not have an intelligent debate on the education of our children without this kind of angry, emotional rhetoric?
SOURCE URL: http://www.ijreview.com/2014/08/166444-common/
Yes, it appears that is the looters plan.
Perhaps time learning in a garden should be considered as important as time spent sitting in a classroom.
I find the whole thing laughable. Unions and politically-motivated group followers are all fired up for no reason. Education is important, but a set of standards won't make or break education in the US.
I don't know if there's a way to have public education without this crap. Once politics gets involved, there's motivation for hyperbolic rhetoric, and Union teachers and Republicans who watch cable news and read blogs all day actually believe the crap.