SerialBrain - the Brennan Problem. Can you solve the 561 triangle -Bachmann, Scalia and JetBlue?
A very interesting analysis of the Brennan/Bachmann/Scalia connection, and indicates Scalia was indeed murdered (which should not be a surprise to anyone). Consider this as proof from her Wiki: "With her retirement from Congress, the ethics investigations against her were dropped."
Since I have an open mind about what the media often calls "conspiracy theory" when there is real evidence, I am inclined to conclude that at worst this is a purposeful attempt to mislead Trump's supporters in order to shatter their belief that any conspiracy exists at all. At best, this is a pathetic attempt to gain desperate followers on youtube.
Certainly Brennan is suspect of a multitude of violations of peoples rights, but this sort of pathetic irrelevant non-evidence is disgusting to anyone interested in finding facts to prove Brennan's guilt and it just gives Brennan's supporters ammunition to use in his defense.
I couldn't bear to even watch beyond the first 15 minutes (which were an intolerable waste of time imo) because it was such trash and when he tried to connect events with magic numbers I said, no more, this is crap. Appearances matter. If one wants to be believed when stating facts to be used as evidence then he'd better state them objectively without mumbo jumbo rubbish to connect the dots, or they will be perceived for what they are- unconnected irrelevant dots. If you make statements that are completely unbelievable and give no rational supporting evidence then your audience will conclude you are a loon and that audience leaves the theater, as I did with this un-objective video.